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Main Financial Data 2015

Main Data: 31/12 Year 2015
Consolidated income statement (international practice in accordance with IAS/IFRS) Millions/Euro
– total revenues 1,109.54
– gross industrial income 420.77
– total operating cost 305.15
– operating profit 115.62
– net financial expenses 1.04
– profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 69.92



Consolidated balance sheet Millions/Euro
– working capital 13.99
– non-current assets 420.00
– provision for severance indemnities and other provisions – 95.09
– net debt – 163.12
– equity pertaining to the group and minority interests 175.78


Other information  Millions/Euro
– depreciation, amortization and impairment 32.52
– R & D costs 40.05


Dividend per share 1.35


Employees 4,576


Share capital 19,505,200


Main Data: 30/06 Year 2015
Consolidated income statement (international practice in accordance with IAS/IFRS) Millions/Euro
– total revenues 481.2
– gross industrial income 182.2
– total operating cost 151.0
– operating profit 31.2
– net financial expenses 9.7
– profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 11.4


Consolidated balance sheet Millions/Euro
– working capital 37.1
– non-current assets 428.0
– provision for severance indemnities and other provisions – 96.7
– net debt – 255.3
– equity pertaining to the group and minority interests  113.1


Other information Millions/Euro
– depreciation, amortization and impairment 14.3
– R & D costs 19.9


Employees 4,392


Share Capital 19,505,200


Net Sales by Sector: Year 2015
tea, food & other 590.46 53.2%
pharmaceutical 519.08 46.8%
Total 1,109.54 100.0%


Net Sales by Country: Year 2015
E.U. (excluding Italy) 352.71 31.8%
Other European countries 68.89 6.2%
North America 223.42 20.1%
Asia & Middle East 227.77 20.5%
Other countries 118.26 10.7%
Total exports 991.05 89.3%
Italy 118.49 10.7%
Total 1,109.54 100.0%


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