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Our Planet, our priority

Economic results and social benefits are complementary objectives through which we have always generated value for our company, customers, our employees, suppliers and for the entire community.

We know that, to proceed on our growth path, it is necessary to redirect our mentality towards newer and greater goals. At this point in history, we must do it not only for our business, but mostly for the environment and for the society we live and operate in.

Starting from innovation, IMA ZERO is our latest commitment towards creating products, production processes and services, benefitting from a renewed logic of sustainability and from the awareness that our efforts today will help to shape the world of tomorrow.

Driving sustainability through IMA ZERO

Launched in 2019, IMA ZERO is the evolution of IMA’s commitment to Sustainable Development, born many years ago with the annual publication of the sustainability report. It includes all practices already in place, plus those we are currently implementing, and has both the ultimate goal of minimising environmental impact in industrial manufacturing, and of promoting and creating a working and living habitat that always puts people and biodiversity at the centre.

IMA’s pioneering approach to sustainability leads to find groundbreaking and eco-friendly ways to lower energy and water consumption, to offset emissions, to manage waste promoting recycling and a circular economy, to replace plastic with more sustainable materials, to foster sustainable mobility and, more in general, to take more sustainable actions.

All of this, while valuing people, who are at the core of any initiative.

What is our approach?

The Group identified 5 macro-areas of engagement to support the UN’s 2030 Agenda: these include concrete actions in line with the pursuit of those Sustainable Development Goals (UN’s SDGs) that are consistent with IMA’s sectors and that represent our sustainability approach.

Governance and business integrity
Product quality and liability
Communities and the development of knowledge

Governance and business integrity

being transparent and acting according to rules of ethics, integrity, legality and respect in all relations with our stakeholders.


Product quality and liability

being oriented towards the future and profitability, with a strong focus on customer satisfaction.



developing the wealth of knowledge, skills, professional and human abilities, within safe working environments that are respectful of the individual.


Communities and the development of knowledge

actively contributing to community welfare and the development of the culture and know-how of advanced mechanics.



being aware and responsible, always considering the environmental impact of our actions and focusing on sustainable innovation.

How do we put our strategy into actions?

We develop eco-friendly projects that lead IMA to find a balance between the need to produce and generate shared wealth in order to reduce inequalities, and the need to conserve the Planet on which we live, fighting climate change and reducing environmental impact.

Our IMA ZERO’s projects are categorised into 4 main programs: 


LOW (Low-Impact Program)

is our commitment to increasing IMA’s sustainable practices to preserve resources.


NOP (No-Plastic Program)

means we promote eco-friendly plastic substitutes for the packages manufactured on IMA machines.


E-MOB (Sustainable Mobility Program)

is our commitment to investing in the search for new solutions and technologies for sustainable mobility.


YOU (Human-Centric Program)

means putting people at the centre of any initiative. We promote human rights and welfare, inside and outside IMA.


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OPENLab: The place to share.

OPENLab is the IMA Group’s network of technological laboratories and testing areas, dedicated to the research on sustainable materials, technologies and production optimization processes.

Being a symbol of IMA’s innovation and a benchmark for sustainability, OPENLab represents a pivotal point of IMA ZERO’s No-Plastic Program (NOP).

The main goal of the laboratories is to find alternative materials to plastic, fostering plastic-free, compostable or biodegradable materials, recyclable and/or more sustainable plastic-based materials, through the research and testing of alternative processes.

It also aims at merging studies, experimentation and industrial development activities on materials including all laboratory phases, from design to engineering, of products and processes.

OPENLab_samples_icon OPENLab_film structures_icon OPENLab_packaging materials_icon
1,000 samples
analysed per year
4,000 film structures
analysed since 2017
+400 packaging materials
tested since 2017


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