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More quality of life,
more quality of work.

Means putting people at the centre of any initiative.

We promote human rights and welfare, inside and outside IMA. Made up of several different projects – social, equal opportunities and sustainable economy – we strive for better working and living conditions. In 2023, once again, IMA won the international ‘’Top Employer Italia’’ award, which certifies the Group’s maximum commitment to ensuring the welfare of its employees and collaborators.

People global policy for a responsible management of people

People are genuinely a capital asset for IMA and they benefit from a process of personal and professional growth that is aligned with the culture of the Company and its role as a producer of economic and social value, as defined by the Sustainability Policy.
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IMA and respect for human rights

Respect for human rights underpins the values of IMA, its way of working and doing business, its relations with employees, suppliers and other external stakeholders.
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Personnel Training and development

IMA considers training and skills development a strategic asset.
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Equal opportunities

IMA guarantees equal opportunities, protection and enhancement of the Company’s human resources; discrimination based on political or union allegiance, religion, race, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, health or other intimate personal details.
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Local community engagement

22 social projects and activities for employees, 47 trade associations joined by IMA.
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A start-up for digitisation

Founded in 2015 and 80% indirectly owned by IMA, DIGIDOC mainly provides document scanning services (invoices, shipping documents and other types of business documentation).
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People global policy for a responsible management of people

IMA promotes respect for work, workers and their trade union representatives, fighting against all forms of discrimination and guaranteeing full compliance with fundamental human rights, according to the principles contained in the UN’s Declaration on Human Rights.
The Group promotes inclusion, integration, equal opportunities and reciprocity as elements that can enhance the value of diversity, removing the economic and social obstacles that restrict the freedom of the individual in application of the principle of substantial equality and respect for individual dignity.

IMA protects the health and safety of the people working in the Group and in the supply chain: the quality of work environments and the well-being of people are values that go beyond compliance with current legislation. IMA’s management is committed to guaranteeing them to all IMA’s companies, by assessing risks to health, training, monitoring systems, prevention activities and continuous investments in preventive maintenance program for plants and infrastructures. Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, IMA promptly established a Crisis Committee composed of HR management and union representatives that even acted early, with respect to the rules and recommendations communicated by the competent administrations, in full awareness that the safety of people takes priority over earning any form of lawful profit.

IMA encourages the participation and responsible involvement of employees and collaborators, also through social dialogue, ensuring freedom of association; it promotes confrontation with trade unions to identify and evaluate together with other operators in the sector the impacts of modern challenges related to the world of work such as, for example, the processes of digitisation. IMA takes into account the development and social cohesion needs of the communities in which it operates by fostering employment and social inclusion, directly or through collaborations with production companies and institutions that operate to favour the employment of weak categories of workers and youth employment.


IMA and respect for human rights

In this sense, IMA has implemented specific policies for the protection of human rights and activated control tools in the supply chain through its Suppliers’ Code of Conduct.

Specifically, approximately 18% of new suppliers who worked for the first time during the year for IMA companies in the world had to undergo an assessment based on social criteria (such as working conditions and respect for human rights). 

Given the sensitivity of this topic in some countries, IMA companies around the world delivered a total of 468 hours of training on policies and procedures in the area of human rights, reaching 6.5% of the entire workforce or 17.7% of the IMA personnel outside of Italy.


Personnel Training and development

IMA considers training and skills development a strategic asset. The educational rationale does not focus only on certain categories of employees, but it is based on the idea that lifelong training must involve the entire population, guaranteeing a harmonious and synergistic growth of the Company’s distinctive skills. Training therefore aims to develop and maintain people’s skills, while continuing to ensure support for the development and implementation of new technologies. 

Additionally, 8 hours of cross-functional training in the area of soft skills were made available in Italy during 2021. Employees can access these e-learning sessions at any time.

The Training Maintenance process guarantees continuous updating of employees’ skills by planning the educational path over several years, in line with the evolution of the Company’s business. 

Overall, in 2021, around137,655 training hours were provided, increasing by about 16,8%. Globally, the average number of hours’ training per employee was 22. Most of the training was dedicated to the development of soft skills (35.3% of total hours delivered), but the training catalogue also includes courses on design (12.6%), safety (19.1%), production (9.9%), quality/standards (7.2%), ICT (5.1%) and languages (10.5%). The areas of intervention are divided into more than 300 courses in the Training Catalogue.


Equal opportunities

IMA is attentive to the issue of equal opportunities, despite operating in a production and industrial environment that, by history and tradition, tends to employ much fewer women than men: women account for 18% of the total workforce; 93% of female staff works in white-collar positions, staff services and in the commercial areas. In terms of remuneration, the provisions laid down in national contracts and current legislation in force in the countries where the company operates are applied.



IMA has joined the CapoD Network, a community of firms in the Bologna area which, in close cooperation with local public institutions, pursues the strategic objectives of equal opportunities, fight against discrimination and support for welfare and conciliation issues even in traditionally more complex sectors. CapoD focuses on the dissemination of good social responsibility practices also among small and medium-sized enterprises. IMA’s workforce includes people in protected categories as required by current legislation: to this end, for example in Italy, the Company has entered into agreements with the relevant entities.


Local community engagement

During 2021, IMA companies supported numerous social, cultural, education and sports activities, making grants and donations for a total of 1.768 million of euros.

This amount includes the resources allocated to social responsibility projects, expenses incurred for the benefit of employees (such as for sports groups or other corporate initiatives), and fees paid by IMA to join representative or industry associations.


A start-up for digitisation

As part of a project of inclusion and job placement, the company mainly uses hearing impaired staff, supported by LIS Certified Interpreters (experts in Italian Sign Language).

DIGIDOC currently has 19 employees, split between the locations in Castenaso and Ozzano dell’Emilia (Italy), with the support of 3 LIS interpreters.



Registered Office:
Via Emilia 428-442
40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna) • Italy
Tel. +39 051 6514111 • Fax +39 051 6514613
PEC address:

Social capital EUROS 10.000,00 • REA Number: BO – 524569 • Reg. Imprese Bo e C.F. e P.I. 03506411200

Company under IMA S.p.A. management and coordination
Via Emilia 428-442 • 40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna) • Italy • Reg. Imprese Bo e C.F. 00307140376



The exclusive tech videos shot during Achema 2024 are now available on our dedicated website