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IMA’s Social Media Policy

The digitalisation of communication has opened up new avenues and new instant information tools, which anyone can access and use.

Social media has become an integral part of modern day-to-day life for a number of reasons, but the fact that their use is quick, easy and free does not mean precise rules can be ignored.

This is why IMA felt the need to draw up a Social Media Policy, to set out and regulate the behaviour of users engaging with the Group’s social media profiles.

IMA’s official social media accounts are:

These profiles are entirely managed by the Corporate Communication Office, which is at your disposal for any difficulty, doubt, consultation or information about online publications.

Inside the document, it will be possible to find:

  • the Group’s official social networks and their management entrusted to the Corporate Communication Office (;
  • information about intellectual property and the respect of copyright rules;
  • permissible user behaviour: users can interact, like, comment and share those contents published on IMA’s official accounts, always tagging (@) the Group’s official profile, namely the source of information;
  • guidelines on how to share contents by customers, suppliers and IMA’s partners, who have to turn to their PM/AM/contact person or, alternatively, directly to the Corporate Communication Office if they want to publish unreleased material (such as videos of the Group’s machines, pictures taken at IMA’s stands during exhibitions or events where machines are showed, samples, workers, technologies etc.).
Users should report to the Corporate Communication Department ( any fake content or content that does not comply with good standards of behaviour and expression, or that, in general, may harm IMA’s image.


The exclusive tech videos shot during Achema 2024 are now available on our dedicated website