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Main Financial Data 2006

Main Data: 31/12 Year 2006
Consolidated statement of income (international practice in accordance with IAS/IFRS) Millions/Euro
– total revenues 425.20
– gross margin 177.59
– total operating cost 123.38
– net operating profit 53.45
– financial expenses, net 6.96
– net income before taxes 24.84


Consolidated balance sheet Millions/Euro
– operating capital 91.53
– fixed assets, net 144.36
– reserves and MLT non financial payables – 32.66
– net financial position – 104.20
– stockholders’ equity 99.03


Other information Millions/Euro
– depreciation 12.96
– R & D expenses 19.61


Dividend per share 0.65


Employees 2,691


Shares outstanding 18,772,000


Main Data: 30/06 Year 2006
Consolidated statement of income (international practice in accordance with IAS/IFRS) Millions/Euro
– total revenues 180.7
– gross margin 78.3
– total operating cost 62.3
– net operating profit 16.0
– financial expenses, net 2.6
– net income before taxes 6.9


Consolidated balance sheet Millions/Euro
– operating capital 91.4
– fixed assets, net 141.8
– reserves and MLT non financial payables – 27.3
– net financial position – 118.4
– stockholders’ equity 87.5


Other information  Millions/Euro
– depreciation 6.4
– R & D expenses 10.2


Employees 2,682


Shares outstanding 18,772,000


Net Sales by Sector: Year 2006
tea, herbs & coffee 73.91 17.38%
pharmaceuticals packaging 243.86 57.35%
pharmaceuticals processing 107.43 25.27%
Total 425.20 100.00%



Net Sales by Country: Year 2006  
E.U. (excluding Italy) 168.29 39.58%
Other European countries 22.47 5.28%
North America 105.33 24.77%
Asia & Middle East 53.85 12.67%
Other countries 42.29 9.95%
Total exports 392.23 92.25%
Italy 32.97 7.75%
Total 425.20 100.00%


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