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Waste management

The type of waste generated by IMA’s production activities consists mainly of mixed packaging materials, such as plastics and the like, cardboard and wood. In addition, the plants that carry out mechanical processes on metal surfaces with chip removal generate waste consisting of residues such as iron and aluminium filings, ferrous scrap and other metals, such as aluminium, bronze and brass.
To a lesser extent, the waste resulting from the testing of the automatic machines produced also has to be considered. Tests are performed with the materials and products to be packaged, sent directly by Customers (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medicines, food, such as tea, coffee, stock cubes and cheese). As regards liquid waste (in any case mostly sent for purification, therefore not constituting discharge into the receiving water bodies), the IMA plants produce oily emulsion waste and exhausted mineral oils, mainly generated by the maintenance activities of the machine tools of the mechanical workshops.
In addition to these, other types of liquid waste produced are the water solutions that are the result of washing automatic machines after testing with the products to be packaged and with demineralized water. Also to be considered is a small quantity of WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) and electric cables (copper). In addition to the industrial waste described above, the generation, to a lesser extent, of waste of a type similar to urban waste must be considered. In Italy, all the waste produced from business activities at each plant is collected, separated by type and handed over to appointed waste disposal hauliers holding the necessary authorisations in compliance with the regulations. Waste is not held for longer than the maximum times established in Decree 152/2006 and preference is given to destinations where processing focuses on the recovery of materials and/or energy. In fact, in 2021 there were no pecuniary penalties or sanctions for non-compliance with the legislation. Separate collection is also carried out in the office areas (such as for toner, paper and cardboard), as well as in the refreshment areas and in the canteen (plastic and organic). All employees have been trained and informed about the criteria for waste separation. With regard to IMA companies in the world, waste is managed in compliance with the current local regulations, using the specified recovery and disposal procedures. Only 7.10% of the waste disposed of by IMA is classified as hazardous. 60.94% of the waste products produced by IMA in 2021 are to be recycled and reused; 6.44%, energy recovery. Again in 2021, there were no significant spills or discharges of waste water containing chemicals, waste or fuels, reflecting successful implementation of the procedures that constitute the Environmental Management System and the awareness, training and care of staff. The 10.35% increase in waste generated in 2021 compared with 2020 is mainly due to the resumption of activities, given the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic had on production in 2020.



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