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IMA and respect for human rights


For IMA, respect for Fundamental Human Rights forms the basis of its values and its mode of business, both in relations with employees and with suppliers and other stakeholders external to the company. In this sense, IMA has implemented specific policies to protect human rights and activated control tools in the supply chain through the supplier code of conduct, adopted by all Group companies. Specifically, the proportion of new suppliers of IMA companies around the world that had to undergo an assessment based on social criteria (such as working conditions and respect for human rights) doubled compared with 2020, increasing by 9 percentage points to 18%. Given the sensitivity of this topic in some countries, IMA companies around the world delivered a total of 468 hours of training on policies and procedures in the area of human rights, reaching 6.6% of the entire workforce or 17.7% of the IMA personnel outside of Italy.

Composition and characteristics of our employees

The people who work for IMA are the most strategic and by far its most important intangible asset, as they incorporate all of the Company’s skills and knowledge. IMA, in fact, proposes itself to customers as a solver of complex problems through solutions designed specifically for the needs of the individual customer, resulting in very low repetition: from preparing bids to closing the sale, from design and production to after-sales assistance. Knowledge, skills and professional/human expertise are the assets that IMA intends to develop to ensure its future success. the Group therefore regards a fair management of HR to be a matter of the highest importance and seeks to strengthen the Group’s resources in a variety of ways, for example through strong and continuous investment in professional growth. Our willingness to emphasise the importance of the individual is a goal that the Company pursues from the moment that a person first joins IMA:

• continual improvement of the selection process for more strategic roles;
• prevalence in hiring contracts of permanent recruitment and professional apprenticeships for which the certification of the training process undertaken is guaranteed;
• links with universities and national and international centres of excellence are encouraged and reinforced; collaboration with local technical institutes is also developed;
• new hires are offered thorough training, information and guidance, which helps new employees find their feet and absorb IMA’s corporate values

Considering the scope of the Group, at 31 December 2021 there were 6,248 employees in total. The majority of the workforce is in Italy (62.58%), followed by the rest of Europe (13.78%), Asia (11.99%) and the Americas (11.65%).


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