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Health and Safety

An issue of great importance for the companies of the IMA Group is the attention to the health and safety of workers. In fact in 2021, the Parent Company IMA S.p.A. and the Italian companies TMC S.p.A. and AMS S.r.l. reconfirmed the certification of their Occupational Safety Management System (SGSL) according to the ISO 45001 standard. With reference to the SGSL of the Parent Company, an audit was performed in February 2021 by a third party body in charge of extending the SGSL to the Group Companies merged into IMA S.p.A. in 2021 (Corazza S.p.A.) and conducting a surveillance visit regarding the effective implementation of the SGSL. The foreign companies of the Group that adopt an ISO 45001 certified management system are IMA Life Beijing Pharmaceutical Systems Co. Ltd. and Ilapak (Beijing) Packaging Machinery Co. Ltd ..
The objective of this management is the continuous improvement of company performance in terms of health and safety, as well as the reduction of accident rates. The aforementioned management system covers the activities carried out by both employees and contractors at the plants of the Divisions of IMA S.p.A. These firms are appointed by means of a contract, to which the Single Document for the Evaluation of Interfering Risks (DUVRI) is always attached, pursuant to Art. 26 of Legislative Decree. 81/08, the tool with which IMA evaluates the risks of interference with the contracted activities and defines the prevention and protection measures, as well as the elimination or reduction of health and safety risks.

For each Italian company of the Group, a general and specific risk assessment was conducted linked to the activities carried out, favouring where possible, quantitative assessment methodologies, through instrumental surveys. The main hazards at work, which constitute a risk of injury, are:

  • Dangers arising from mechanical processing carried out with the aid of machine tools
  • Dangers of electrical nature during wiring and testing activities on machines
  • Dangers due to falling from above during work conducted at heights
  • Dangers related to use of equipment at work, such as lifting and handling equipment

On the other hand, the main hazards at work, which pose a health risk and the consequent potential onset of occupational diseases, are represented by the exposure of personnel to the test materials sent to IMA by customers for the testing of automatic machines and by the execution of occasional manual handling of loads and by exposure to noise levels of the machinery, in any case not particularly loud.

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