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Equal opportunities

IMA guarantees equal opportunities, protection and enhancement of the Company’s human resources; discrimination based on political or union allegiance, religion, race, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, health or other intimate personal details is not allowed. IMA is attentive to the issue of equal opportunities, despite operating in a production and industrial environment that, by history and tradition, tends to employ much fewer women than men: women account for 18% of the total workforce; 93% of female staff works in white-collar positions, staff services and in the commercial areas. In terms of remuneration, the provisions laid down in national contracts and current legislation in force in the countries where the company operates are applied.


IMA has joined the CapoD Network, a community of firms in the Bologna area which, in close cooperation with local public institutions, pursues the strategic objectives of equal opportunities, fight against discrimination and support for welfare and conciliation issues even in traditionally more complex sectors. CapoD focuses on the dissemination of good social responsibility practices also among small and medium-sized enterprises.



Founded in 2015 and 80% indirectly owned by IMA, DIGIDOC mainly provides document scanning services (invoices, shipping documents and other types of business documentation). As part of a project of inclusion and job placement, the company mainly uses hearing impaired staff, supported by LIS Certified Interpreters (experts in Italian Sign Language). DIGIDOC currently has 19 employees, split between the locations in Castenaso and Ozzano dell’Emilia, with the support of 3 LIS interpreters.

Top Employer Certification

Again in the year under review, the largest IMA companies in Italy have obtained the “Top Employer Italia” certification, a recognition awarded by the Top Employers Institute to companies that offer excellent working conditions to their employees, who identify and develop the best talents at all levels of the organisation and who are constantly looking to improve their organisational processes. In order to obtain the certification, a company must be assessed according to certain access requirements. The HR Best Practice Survey examines over 600 practices and is based on 10 topics covering key human resources issues, including numerous people-oriented practices. Potential candidates for the Certification Programme must have a formal and advanced HR policy in place. The certification body uses the Top Employers HR Best Practices Survey to analyse the working conditions at firms based on 19 topics: Business Strategy, People Strategy, Leadership, Organisation & Change, Digital HR, Work Environment, Employer Branding, Talent Acquisition, On-boarding, Performance, Career, Learning, Well-being, Engagement, Rewards & Recognition, Values, Ethics & Integrity, Sustainability and Diversity & Inclusion. The selection process is guaranteed by an independent auditor that checks the business processes concerned. Following a positive assessment, the business is officially certified and recognised as a Top Employer. Certification for 2021 confirms the positioning of the Group as an excellent employer, capable of attracting talent and maintaining high levels of productivity and competitiveness, based on policies that focus on the quality of the work performed.



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