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Global Policy for product quality and liability

Since 2019, IMA has adopted a new version of the Quality Policy, consistent with the IMA Digital Agenda for Industry 4.0 (box: “IMA DIGITAL”).
This is constantly evolving with a focus on change and the development of digital products, virtual instruments and intelligent applications, in order to achieve full productive efficiency. The definition of this policy, the objective of which is to define the process and product standards to which all Group companies must comply, passing through the technological implementations of production systems up to the acknowledgement of the responses by end consumers, is IMA’s commitment to obtaining the best possible result.


The IMA QMS, highly focused on processes and intended to provide high level services to customers, makes it possible to offer maximum transparency to end users when executing the various phases of each project. This leads to the delivery of very complex solutions by the agreed deadlines, while maintaining a simple and flexible organisational structure. With a view to transparency, several IMA companies6 have been awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification for their Quality Management System, which covers the entire life cycle of the product, from R&D to sales, from delivery and installation to after-sales assistance. Particular attention is paid to design control, which is crucial for the quality of the end product. This Quality System was designed and built to achieve the objectives of centrality and flexibility, adapting both to the specific characteristics of the market and to the organisational characteristics of the individual divisions and companies included in the System, including the entities that become part of IMA following an acquisition. In addition to incorporating the minimum requirements of local legislation, the internal technical regulations extend to various areas where it is important to follow international standards, starting from the mechanical and electrical design, up to the internal and external production processes and packaging of the products.

Quality assurance and compliance with procedures is ensured by a continuous internal audit plan which, on an annual basis, involves the companies and divisions involved in IMA’s Quality System. In 2021, 20 internal audits were carried out (18 in 2020 and 16 in 2019), in part conducted remotely due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the new edition of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, audits are planned in a risk-based perspective so as to focus the checks on the most critical areas.


“Quality” also means guaranteeing end-users the best conditions of safety in the use of machines. In fact, during the design phase, an in-depth analysis of safety risks is carried out according to applicable regulations including, first and foremost, Directive 2006/42 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 (hereinafter, Machinery Directive) relating to the CE marking for 100% of the machines placed on the market by Italian companies and 71.8% by IMA companies in the world. As an output of the assessment process, IMA draws up a technical file including the risk elimination or mitigation measures adopted so that all IMA machines fully comply with the legislative requirements.
In 2021, customers experienced documentation issues on 0.6% of machines under warranty. Furthermore, starting from 2013 IMA has undertaken a process of monitoring the non-conformities detected during the use of the machinery, making use of the consultancy services of the Technical Compliance office, specialised in machinery safety regulations and their practical application. 



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