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Social Sustainability

Professional growth, quality of the work environment and collective well-being are all part of industry's responsibility towards society. IMA is committed to ensuring them through training, prevention and investment in the local territory.

Social Sustainability


People are genuinely a capital asset for IMA and they benefit from a process of personal and professional growth that is aligned with the culture of the Company and its role as a producer of economic and social value, as defined by the Sustainability Policy. Training and active involvement are considered the keys for the development of skills and empowerment of employees and collaborators.

IMA promotes respect for work and workers, fighting against all forms of discrimination and guaranteeing full compliance with fundamental human rights, according to the principles contained in the UN’s Declaration on Human Rights.

IMA promotes inclusion, integration, equal opportunities and reciprocity, as elements that can enhance the value of diversity, removing the economic and social obstacles that restrict the freedom of the individual in application of the principle of substantial equality and respect for individual dignity.

IMA protects the health and safety of the people working in the Group and in the supply chain: the quality of the work environment and the well-being of people are values that go beyond compliance with current legislation. IMA’s management is committed to guaranteeing them to all IMA’s companies, by assessing risks to health, training, monitoring systems, prevention activities and continuous investments in preventive maintenance programmes for plants and infrastructures.

Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, IMA promptly established a Crisis Committee composed of HR management and union representatives that even acted early, with respect to the rules and recommendations communicated by the competent administrations, in full awareness that the safety of people takes priority over earning any form of lawful profit.

IMA encourages the participation and responsible involvement of employees and collaborators, also through social dialogue, ensuring freedom of association; promotes confrontation with trade unions to identify and evaluate, ensuring freedom of association; promotes confrontation with trade unions to identify and evaluate together with other operators in the sector the impacts of modern challenges related to the world of work such as, for example, the processes of digitization.

IMA takes into account the development and social cohesion needs of the communities in which it operates by fostering employment and social inclusion, directly or through collaborations with production companies and institutions that operate to favour the employment of weak categories of workers and youth employment.

Explore Social Sustainability Chapters

IMA and respect for human rights
Health and Safety
Personnel training and development
Equal opportunities
Global policy for communities and the development of knowledge


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