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Post published on 03/06/2021

IMA Group launches IMA Premium Delivery, the service dedicated to the fast delivery of spare parts

IMA Group today takes a further step forward in supporting the production of its customers by giving life to IMA Premium Delivery, a service put in place to provide spare parts with reduced production and delivery times.

In an increasingly accelerating world, manufacturing production cannot afford unforeseen setbacks or shutdown. Inactive lines can cost producers thousands of euros per minute, heavily affecting results and objectives. And to meet the production needs coming from the markets, IMA Group has recently launched IMA Premium Delivery, a service designed for faster production and delivery of spare parts compared to those that are usually standard times.

“A stopped production line can have a very negative impact on the overall results of a customer plant. And we cannot afford this ”, explains Massimo Marchesini, Vice-President Procurement and Production Systems IMA Group. “For this reason, we thought about how to further improve processes and find new solutions able to meet quicker the requests coming from the Group’s numerous customers. And from here IMA Premium Delivery was born, a global project, which allows us to reduce the downtime of our customers, while increasing production efficiency. “

What does IMA Premium Delivery consist of? Within the IMA factories, fast-tracks lines have been created with cutting-edge technologies and skills, such as to allow the Group to produce faster, and deliver even more quickly a series of spare parts to customers who subscribe to the Premium service. Customers must check which spare parts are included in the Premium package by contacting the IMA production divisions concerned. The Service will be activated while maintaining the high quality standards that have always distinguished the Group’s technology and know-how.

 A service conceived, that of IMA Premium Delivery, which in addition to the advantages related to a quick recovery of the production lines, also sees a reduction on the customer side of the costs of managing materials in the warehouse and administrative costs, but above all key support for the achievement of an ever greater production efficiency.

The launch of IMA Premium Delivery is also accompanied by “the creation of a new Logistic Hub, strategically positioned not far from the Group’s headquarters” continues Massimo Marchesini. “The new HUB follows the requests of customers on the Italian market but, through a continuous expansion of its logistics capacity, is increasingly able to meet the needs of materials for the production of customers abroad”.

IMA Premium Delivery is part of that continuous growth path that the Group has further accelerated in recent years and which has seen the launch of another major IMA project, dedicated to the pharmaceutical market. Presented in March 2021, IMA Fast Track is the project designed to halve the time required for the supply and start-up of integrated lines for the production of vaccines. The objective is to drastically reduce the time needed to put the lines into operation through a reorganization of the entire production process, providing for new hires and intervening on the supply chain.

Discover more about IMA Premium Delivery



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