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Post published on 10/07/2019

GreenItaly: Alberto Vacchi at the presentation of 2018 report

Today, it has been introduced in Bologna (Italy) “GreenItaly 2018”, the ninth report from the Fondazione Symbola and Unioncamere in collaboration with Conai and Novamont, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of the Environment and Land and Sea Conservation. The report assesses the strength of the Italian domestic green economy.

The event has been hosted by Regione Emilia-Romagna (Emilia-Romagna region) with the participation of Ermete Realacci, Chairman of Fondazione Symbola, Stefano Bonaccini, Chairman of Regione Emilia-Romagna and Alberto Vacchi, Chairman and CEO of IMA Group, since 2017 an associated of Symbola, the Foundation for Italian quality that promotes the soft economyand a quality-focused development model.

According to the report, green economy and productivity create an indissoluble combo. Companies investing in the sustainable economy are seen as more dynamic and more innovative on international markets compared with the rest of the production system, with particular reference to industry 4.0, whose technologies are adopted by 26% of those companies that follow green policies.

IMA Group is committed with such investments – as Alberto Vacchi underlined in his speech – starting from ISO 14001 certification of its two main facilities in Italy, through its enrolment on the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) in 2014, up to the solely use of certified renewable energy in its headquarter. Anyway, the Group’s commitment does not end there: for the future IMA is working paying particular attention to compostable packaging materials.

Discover more on IMA Group’s Sustainability policies »



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