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Post published on 12/10/2017

Donald Norman at the Museum of Industrial Heritage of Bologna

E.R.-AMIAT (Emilia-Romagna Advanced Mechanics and Industrial Automation Technology), a non-profit organisation that pursues ends that are of international interest in the field of knowledge sharing and the development of scientific technical knowledge, including IMA and other leading entities in the field of advanced mechanics and industrial automation, is pleased to promote the following conference on

“Design Driven Transformation. The impact of new technologies
on social, educational and occupational problems”

The event will take place on 13 October 2017 at 4.30 p.m. at the Auditorium of the Museum of Industrial Heritage of Bologna, Italy.

The protagonist of this conference is Donald Norman, one of the world ‘s greatest exponents in the field of User Experience and human-machine interaction in complex technology systems. Donald Norman is Emeritus Professor at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and one of the prominent personalities in interaction design, having permanently altered its paradigms. He has been Vice President of Apple Computer’s advanced technology research group and a manager at Hewlett Packard and U Next. He is the author of numerous books and research papers, as well as various articles translated into more than twelve languages. His book “The Design of Everyday Things”, with the masochist’s coffee pot on the cover, is one of the best-known design essays in the world.

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