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For IMA, sustainability is a way of life.

It represents the Company’s commitment to creating value that lasts over time, taking into account the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the needs expressed by our stakeholders, local and global partnerships, while working on solutions that foster the economic and social empowerment of the communities involved. 

In particular, in 2012 IMA started a partnership agreement with FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations), which has been renewed in 2023. This project’s goal is the diffusion of a packaging culture, with impacts on the hygiene and conservation of food, thus the contribution to the reduction of food loss.

IMA’s Sustainability Policy is based on principles of conduct already defined in our Code of Ethics approved by the Board of Directors and on other corporate policies and strategies, and it is addressed to all Group companies.

Commitment to a sustainable future is being transferred to all the Group’s companies and rendered public. Thanks to the efforts of its employees, IMA undertakes to keep improving its Policy and its programmes and to implement procedures, rules and instructions to ensure that the principles of sustainability expressed by civil society and the institutions finds real application in the production chains and markets in an ongoing process of collaboration with IMA’s end-users and consumers.

Our 5 macro-areas of engagement to support the UN’s 2030 Agenda:

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  • Governance and business integrity
  • Product quality and liability
  • People
  • Communities and development of knowledge
  • Environment

In managing its activity, IMA has implemented a global governance and business integrity policy that allows it to carry on its business with integrity, transparency, legality, impartiality, prudence and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and reference guidelines with regard to social responsibility.

IMA Governance

The management and organisation tools and methods implemented:

  • Code of Ethics, a tool distributed throughout the organisation;
  • Internal control system;
  • Risk management system;
  • Organisation, management and control model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 for the
    companies that adopted it (see § IMA’s commitment to business integrity);
  • Standard CoSo Report – Internal Control Integrated Framework.

IMA Governance is based on the following principles:

  • Values: apply the values of honesty and integrity in the management of tax activities, in the knowledge that the proceeds of taxation represent one of the principal sources contributing to social and economic development in the countries in which IMA operates.
  • Legality: adopt and pursue conduct intended to comply with the tax regulations in force in the countries in which IMA operates, interpreting them in a manner that manages the related tax risks and reflects the interests of all stakeholders, having regard for their needs and requests.
  • Shareholder Value: treat taxation as a component of business activity, to be managed efficiently and optimised in compliance with the principle of legality, the tax regulations and the Code of Ethics, with a view to safeguarding net assets and creating sustainable value over the medium-long term.
  • Transparency: maintain collaborative relations founded on dialogue with the tax authorities in the countries in which IMA operates, so that a full understanding can be obtained of the facts underlying the application of tax regulations.
  • Tone at the top: adopt tax guidelines, so top management can facilitate their application and encourage the development of a corporate culture that internalises the values discussed. Involve top management in the most important and complex tax matters, so that they are fully aware of them in the management of tax risks.

IMA’s reputation is based on the ability to carry on its business with integrity, transparency, legality, impartiality, prudence and in compliance with laws, regulations and guidelines on social responsibility. Through transparent governance, IMA manages its decisions and activities responsibly, including their various impacts, and progressively integrates all aspects of social responsibility within the work of the entire organisation and the business relations that are conducted. Transparency towards stakeholders should inspire socially responsible conduct and promote sustainable development. In fact, through its Code of Ethics, IMA defines the ethical and social responsibilities of its members and stakeholders and the rules of conduct that must be complied with by all those who work for IMA and on its behalf. The Group is actively committed to spreading the principles of the Code to all those who are part of the company or who have dealings with it, insisting that they apply them too.

Under no circumstances can the pursuit of IMA’s interest or advantage justify unethical, dishonest or unlawful conduct: for this reason IMA considers the fight against “active and passive corruption” (i.e. bribery and corruption) to be an indispensable commitment.

Code of Ethics dissemination

The Management identifies the areas where corruption is a risk and integrates them into IMA’s broader regulatory compliance program in order to fight it. IMA promotes the dissemination of the Code of Ethics to its employees and external staff through training. For anyone coming into contact with IMA (including suppliers and customers), the Code of Ethics provides suitable communication and information to fight the risks of corruption and of illegal acts in general, in order to strengthen the effectiveness and ethical reputation of IMA.

During 2021, there were no episodes of corruption (reports to the Supervisory Board), nor were there sanctions in this respect by the judicial authorities.

The primary objective of IMA’s business is to satisfy the end user by encouraging their innovative capacity to reduce environmental impacts, through the proposal of solutions aimed at promoting quality and safety, investing in research and development and implementing responsible supply chain management.

Global product quality and responsibility policy

The primary objective of IMA’s business is to satisfy the end user by encouraging their innovative capacity to reduce environmental impacts, through the proposal of solutions aimed at promoting quality and safety, investing in research and development and implementing responsible supply chain management.

Thanks to its global product quality and responsibility policy, IMA can create economic value not only for its shareholders, but also for its stakeholders, since the primary objective is to satisfy the end user.

The typical values are a culture of quality, investment in research and development, responsible management of the supply chain, which takes into account the classification of the items (dual use) and the promotion of projects or initiatives for the development of local economies.

IMA Best Practices

By means of its global policy in favour of communities and the development of knowledge based on the belief that industry must be accountable to society and the world, IMA applies Best Practices for targeted checks on Partners (black lists) and goods destined for countries embargoed for compliance with export restrictions aimed at countering terrorism. IMA promotes the involvement of its employees in programmes and initiatives of corporate citizenship and Corporate Social Responsibility.

The relationship with the local area is also constantly active. Indeed, there is a continuous exchange of knowledge, experience and wealth that makes the relationship as indivisible as it is interdependent.

Management systems: quality, safety, environment

IMA introduced a set of management systems certified by an independent third party, designed to create value in a sustainable way, shared with all stakeholders, above all human resources. The aim is to interpret end users’ needs by pursuing the best quality standards, adopting best practices for the health and safety of its workers and minimizing environmental impact.

In particular, IMA has achieved and maintains the following international certifications:

UNI EN ISO 9001 – Quality Management System;  UNI EN ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System; UNI EN ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System

Furthermore, at the end of 2021, IMA obtained the certification of the emissions management system according to the ISO 14064-1 standard.

In IMA, respect for work is promoted through inclusion, integration and equal opportunities, avoiding all forms of discrimination and guaranteeing full protection of fundamental human rights.

IMA People

People are genuinely a capital asset for IMA and they benefit from a process of personal and professional growth that is aligned with the culture of the Company and its role as a producer of economic and social value, as defined by the Sustainability Policy. Training and active involvement are considered the keys for the development of skills and empowerment of employees and collaborators. Considered to be a strategic asset, training aims to develop and maintain people’s skills, while continuing to ensure support for the development and implementation of new technologies. The Training Maintenance process guarantees, in fact, continuous updating of employees’ skills by planning the educational path over several years, in line with the evolution of the Company’s business.

Furthermore, IMA promotes respect for work and workers fighting all forms of discrimination and promoting fundamental human rights, according to the principles contained in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In fact, the Group supports inclusion, integration and equal opportunities aimed at enhancing the value of diversity, as an element that can remove the economic and social obstacles that restrict the freedom of the individual in application of the principle of substantial equality and respect for individual dignity.

IMA protects the health and safety of the people working in the Group and in the supply chain: the quality of the work environment and the well-being of people are values that go beyond compliance with current legislation.

The management of the company is committed to guaranteeing these to all the companies belonging to the Group, through prevention activities and continuous investments in preventive maintenance programs for plants and infrastructure.

IMA encourages the participation and responsible involvement of employees and collaborators, through social dialogue and freedom of association: the Group promotes confrontation with trade unions to identify and evaluate together with other operators in the sector the impacts of modern challenges related to the world of work such as, for example, the processes of digitization. The company takes into account the development and social cohesion needs of the communities in which it operates by fostering employment and social inclusion, directly or through collaborations with production companies and institutions that operate to favour the employment of weak categories of workers and youth employment.

For IMA, respect for Fundamental Human Rights forms the basis of its values and its mode of business, both in relations with employees and with suppliers and other stakeholders external to the company. In this sense, IMA has implemented specific policies to protect human rights and activated control tools in the supply chain through the supplier code of conduct, adopted by all Group companies.

People global policy for a responsible management of people

IMA promotes respect for work, workers and their trade union representatives, fighting against all forms of discrimination and guaranteeing full compliance with fundamental human rights, according to the principles contained in the UN’s Declaration on Human Rights.
IMA promotes inclusion, integration, equal opportunities and reciprocity as elements that can enhance the value of diversity, removing the economic and social obstacles that restrict the freedom of the individual in application of the principle of substantial equality and respect for individual dignity.

The Group supports the communities of the territories in which it operates.

IMA bases its social commitment by taking into consideration industry’s responsibility towards society and the world, focusing on the concepts of corporate citizenship and Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Group supports the communities of the territories in which it operates through contributions and donations of various kinds. IMA’s effort in carrying out its activities – requests from end users, product development and innovation, procurement activities, the work of its people and the production process with its related environmental impact terms – also has a territorial implication. The Group therefore generates direct and indirect impacts in the territories in which it operates, both in terms of local induced activities and in terms of disbursements and support for the development of the respective communities.

Local communities play an important role for IMA, which is committed to building a close link with the territorial context of the countries in which it operates and promoting sustainable development.

Harmony with the community, as well as being indispensable, is to be considered strategic both through dialogue with the various entities and through the participation and promotion of projects and initiatives in support of the territory.

Social responsibility projects

During 2021, the Italian companies of IMA supported numerous social, cultural, training and sports initiatives, providing contributions and donations for a total sum of 1.768 million euros.

This amount includes the resources allocated to social responsibility projects, expenses incurred for the benefit of employees, such as for sports groups or other corporate initiatives, and fees paid by IMA to join representative or industry associations.

IMA acknowledges the importance of protecting and safeguarding the environment as part of strategic business decisions.

In protecting the environment, IMA commits to reducing the impact of its production cycle through a rational consumption of energy resources, the conservation of natural resources, control of greenhouse gas emissions, through monitoring systems, and the careful management of scrap and waste generated by production activities.

The global environmental policy involves multiple initiatives relating to the protection and safeguarding of the environment, which, set within the environmental management system, are considered genuinely strategic business decisions.

What IMA intends to implement is realized through the reduction of its direct impacts, investments in Research and Development for sustainable innovation and the promotion of responsible behaviours along the value chain.

IMA has also expanded the scope of reporting on environmental impact to all IMA companies, in Italy and abroad, in order to monitor its performance globally and implement the right corrective actions, if necessary.

The management and organisation tools and methods implemented:

  • Membership of the Carbon Disclosure Project;
  • Respect of the regulatory compliance;
  • Having all the authorisations issued by the competent bodies;
  • Environmental Management System according to the ISO 14001 standard for certain IMA Companies;
  • Energy audit program;
  • Emissions management system according to the ISO 14064-1 standard.

In response to growing attention on environmental sustainability issues, both within the company and at the global level, IMA has carried forward projects and initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of production processes, in continuity with the policies developed in recent years to meet the needs of high profile customers and partners. In the packaging machinery industry, actions are focused on the development of solutions aimed at reducing the resources used, while at the same time favouring the use of new materials with a lower environmental impact. In 2021, IMA committed to strengthening the network of laboratories OPENLab, with the establishment of a new laboratory in the United States, which will join the IMA one in Ozzano dell’Emilia and the Ilapak ones in Lugano and Arezzo. The expansion of the OPENLab network aims to encourage an even greater understanding of local needs in terms of environmental sustainability, with the aim of supporting the path towards the use of eco-sustainable wrapping materials.

In addition, in order to further streamline and develop the supply chain, taking into consideration its social and environmental impacts, in 2021, IMA fully digitalised purchase orders, eliminating the paper production of documents and optimising the routes of deliveries from suppliers to the Group’s sites, by virtue of the development of software which allows the booking of the collection of goods thereby avoiding empty runs.

Designing the materials of the future


A place of advanced sustainable experimentation with a strong ethical-environmental footprint.

Designing the materials of the future

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