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IMA Digital Classroom​

Find out the power of IMA Digital Classrooms, environments provided with the latest technologies where trainees can learn and empower their competences.

IMA’s Digital Classrooms are specially designed environments enabling learning through use of  the latest digital technologies. Each classroom is staffed with expert trainers who guide trainees  through their learning process. Thanks to the combination of know-how and technologies, trainees  can practise with traditional lessons which they follow on a dedicated e-learning platform,  increasing confidence and interaction skills with the digital copies of equipment, safely and in a  risk-free environment. 

The use of interactive multimedia formats and of Virtual Reality contributes  to enriching the experience and increasing operator confidence when using equipment:

  • Experienced teachers to guide lessons.
  • No need to involve a physical piece of equipment.
  • High interaction thanks to the equipment’s digital twin.
  • Perform tests on the different platforms (traditional and VR).
  • Anticipate the training phase when the system is not available.
  • Training performed in a safe environment.


with traditional contents and  3D animations to allow trainees to become familiar with the topics and systems covered.

designed to increase interaction between trainees and digital versions of facilities, in a fully virtual and interactive world.

for each trainee’s workstation, that provide web access to the multimedia training portal allowing everyone to enjoy the same content.

All training sessions can be recorded and archived on the Interactive Whiteboard for future consultation.

The trainee’s workstation provides web access to the multimedia training portal. The platform will load all the contents and test sessions.

Possibility to activate a real-time connection with a  remote interpreter to translate and share the contents via microphone to all.


Available to cut distances, also with the support of interpreting service.


IMA Digital Training Technologies are on-premise and can be used directly at your facility. Find out how!

IMA Digital Platforms

Touchscreen monitors support the trainer in order to interactively display all the features provided in the training program. The interactive whiteboard allows the trainer to interact with the digital twins of the plants and try out the different procedures and activities to be performed on the equipment.

The platform that provides access to the content, IMA Skillgate, is structured for comprehensive and controlled learning.

Each trainee has access to a dedicated user, where he can deepen topics and perform the verification tests for the acquisition of the course completion certificates.

IMA Virtual Reality

During the courses held in the Digital Classroom, trainees can immerse themselves in the totally digital world of IMA Virtual Reality, within which they can concretely test all the procedures and activities to be carried out on the plant.

The system is designed to proceed in stages, and prevents the student from moving on to the next stage of the activity to be performed, if the previous step has not been completed correctly.

Individual Workstations

Within the Digital Classroom each trainee has a dedicated workstation with a personal computer or tablet. These tools provide access to the IMA Skillgate platform with a dedicated user, allowing the student to perform the same operations and enjoy the same content that is shown and carried on the interactive whiteboard, with the support of expert teachers.

IMA Connected Training

Thanks to a modular offering on multiple levels and channels, we can deliver training modalities across the entire production facility of our clients, to carry out a true and complete transfer of skills from our trainers to operators.

We structure dedicated training paths with the support of expert trainers and platforms designed for guided or autonomous 360-degree learning.

We conduct on-board training sessions with small number of operators present. The rest of the class assists remotely using viewers equipped with Augmented Reality.

To solve malfunctions and restore production efficiency, we can activate dedicated sessions by supporting operators remotely, guiding them and showing them all the procedures and operations to be performed on the machine. The Augmented Reality elements we use are able to facilitate activities and make everything faster.

IMA Remote Training

Would you like to have operators participate in IMA trainings, shortening distances? Discover remote training. Through the most innovative digital platforms and certified expert trainers, we can train your operators remotely, guiding them on an advanced and monitored learning path.

Find out all the benefits:

  • Complete interaction with remote trainers
  • Access to classes from any device
  • Reduced distances
  • Cost and time containment
  • Always-up-to-date learning path
  • Introduction to digital production guidelines
  • Recording and review of lectures
  • Simultaneous or consecutive translation

IMA Skillgate for Business & Partners

Discover the digital platform to enhance your learning

IMA Skillgate is the platform IMA offers its partners and customers for all-round training. The portal,  which generates the content for all types of training offered by IMA, is divided into sections designed to facilitate learning and stimulate interaction.

IMA Skillgate provides the possibility of undergoing quizzes and tests in order to improve and certify the learning that has taken place. This section also collects the tests performed in the Virtual Reality World.

IMA Digital Training solutions

IMA Group strongly believes that a 360 degrees training is the best ally for a correct and timely management of the plants that the group builds and supplies. For this reason, IMA digital classes are part of a wider and structured training offer, within the IMA Digital Training world. Learn about other ways to train your operators with the support of the latest technology.


Traditional spaces intended for group training, in which students are guided by expert trainers and supported by latest-generation digital devices.​

Technologies: Touch screens, tablets, PCs, Virtual Reality. No need to use the equipment during training.


Mode in which students train independently when and where they want.​

Technologies: Touch screens, tablets, PCs, Virtual Reality. 
No need to use equipment during training.


Mode in which operators carry out training directly on the machine with the support of advanced digital devices. Technologies: tablet (for Smart Service Suite APP) and  Augmented Reality (Hololens 2).​

Technologies: tablet (for Smart Service Suite APP) and  Augmented Reality (Hololens 2).