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Post published on 05/09/2019

ODY: IMA Group’s new virtual assistant is online

It’s called “ODY” and starting from today it’s IMA Group’s new virtual assistant. ODY’s job is to facilitate the navigation experience on the Group’s Web Communication channels, to respond in a prompt and friendly way to user requests. ODY is a chatbot, ie: software based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) designed to simulate a conversation with a real person.

“ODY is the result of almost a year’s work, in which we wanted to further the evolution of our communication ecosystem according to the paradigms of 4.0. In 2017, after launching the “IMA Digital” digital transformation program at Interpack, we also rethought our online presence with the aim of making it increasingly accessible, interactive and transparent for our stakeholders. From financial investors, to research institutions, to both potential and current customers, who are constantly searching for information on the web and above all for immediate, concrete, easy-to-find answers” explains Daniele Vacchi, IMA Group Corporate Communication Director: “Thanks to a project shared with over 50 employees that began in 2017, today we are ready to start a journey that thanks to new technology, enables us to increase one-to-one digital communication, bringing us closer than ever to our users and their needs”.

ODY, in fact, exploits artificial intelligence and machine learning to understand user requests and to be able to respond in a friendly and direct way: “What we have tried to home in on with ODY through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning is empathy. We have long wondered “How can we create an emotional connection with our users, even through a digital system? How can we make up for it if ODY, especially in the initial stages, fails to fully understand our users?” explains Alessio Zini, Corporate Web Communication Strategist of the IMA Group: “Starting from these questions and IMA’s values, we have created the ODY identity, which by definition is in continuous evolution and will continue to be able to relate more and more, simultaneously expanding conversation topics and application channels”.

The first project ODY has been trained for and on which it is able to interact concerns the issue of continuous production for OSD of which CROMA is one of the products highlighted.

Laura Mazzanti, Marketing Team Leader of IMA Active, a division of the Group focused on the development of solutions for the production of pharmaceuticals in solid oral form, explains: “CROMA is a new generation automatic machine that represents artificial intelligence able to open doors to the future and guide us inside. A future made up of connections, exchange of information and continuous control. In our concept, straight lines, parabolas and infinite connections represent a continuous production line “. She adds, “The strength of ODY lies in its autonomy, active 24 hours a day, to offer users help with navigation and immediate answers, through human and empathic language. Starting from this scenario the #cromatalks are born: conversations launched on a monthly basis which, starting from selected topics and variously referable to the world of robotics, are the driving force for vertical evolution in the world of continuous production”.

The choice of this platform is consistent with the approach that IMA Active has adopted towards Continuous Manufacturing. Perceived as one of the main drivers for innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, Continuous Manufacturing requires a dialectical approach, open to discussion with customers, regulatory bodies, academics, to draw together the future of pharmaceutical production.

Chat now with ODY and start up #cromatalks »


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