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Post published on 17/04/2024



  • IMA supports Bio-LUSH in a new sustainable project regarding high-quality fiber materials.
  • OPENLab will test the newly developed edible packaging materials.


IMA is taking part in a new sustainability project named Bio-LUSH, which extracts high-quality fibers from underexplored European plant resources such as forest residues, marine plants, and weeds, addressing a growing need and demand to utilize underexploited biomass feedstocks for sustainable and high-quality fibre extraction. These fibers are used in sustainable bio-based products such as textiles, food packaging, and reinforced composites.

The project will demonstrate the biomass processing and manufacturing (both at TRL5) of bio-based products such as edible packaging, antibacterial textiles and 3D printable bio(nano)composite filaments for impact resistant car interior products. In doing so, it revitalizes rural areas, promotes the European fibrous bio-economy, and contributes to decarbonization and reduced eutrophication.

Through its OPENLab, the network of technological laboratories and testing areas, dedicated to the research on sustainable materials, technologies and production optimisation processes, IMA will test the newly developed edible packaging materials with a view to support the industrialisation of the project results. In this way, IMA will increase its knowledge base regarding the use of bio-based packaging materials for food applications, reinforcing its capacity to create partnerships, sharing competences and creating synergy with packaging manufacturers and customers.

Sustainability represents a core value for IMA and OPENLab is definitely a pillar in reaching more sustainable packaging solutions.


About IMA’s commitment to sustainability: IMA ZERO

IMA ZERO is the evolution of IMA’s commitment to Sustainable Development: its ultimate goal is to minimise environmental impact in industrial manufacturing, while promoting and creating a working and living habitat that always puts people and biodiversity at the centre.


The project is divided into 4 main programs:

  • LOW (Low-Impact Program) refers to the pledge to lower the Group’s impact on the environment, reducing emissions, waste, as well as water and energy consumption, and preserving natural resources.
  • NOP (No-Plastic Program) fosters the employment of eco-friendly materials for the gradual reduction of plastic in packaging produced by IMA machines. To this purpose, IMA OPENLab plays a fundamental role: the Group’s network of technological laboratories and testing areas is dedicated to the research of sustainable materials, technologies and production optimisation processes.
  • E-MOB (Sustainable Mobility Program) includes the Group’s projects about sustainable and electric mobility, for example the implementation of e-charging stations at IMA’s plants to charge hybrid and electric cars during working time. The Company’s biggest investment was the acquisition of IMA AUTOMATION ATOP, an Italian excellence in manufacturing lines for the production of e-traction engines, and the acquisition of IMA AUTOMATION FASP.
  • YOU (Human-Centric Program) concerns the Group’s commitment to putting people at the centre, promoting different projects related to equal opportunities, inclusion, integration, professional development, and anything that can improve working and living conditions.

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