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IMA Easy Contact

IMA Easy Contact, the APP to receive faster technical support.

In the case of failures or downtime, IMA Easy Contact is the APP dedicated to the opening of tickets to receive technical assistance* more quickly, and reactivate production in a short time.

FASTER RESPONSE emergencies and problems INCREASING of the technical assistance efficiency


How IMA Easy Contact works

The APP is simple and immediate:

  1. Open the APP and scan the QR Code on the machine** ;
  2. Fill in the form with all the plant-related details (attach audiovisual content as well) ;
  3. The IMA expert will contact the appropriate technician, to perform all the different procedures together on the machine.

* IMA Easy Contact does not cover any costs related to IMA personnel involved in remote technical assistance procedures.

** Contact your Customer Care contact person to receive authorisation and use IMA Easy Contact.

Technical Features

Offline form filling

Fill out the dedicated form even in offline mode. The APP  will send your request as soon as the device is connected to a  Wi-Fi network again.

Control of serials

The APP checks the correct serialities to assign the ticket to the right machine.


The APP is native to work on different Smartphones and Tablets (iOS and Android).


The APP supports different languages.




The exclusive tech videos shot during Achema 2024 are now available on our dedicated website