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Main Financial Data 2019

Main Data: 31/12 Year 2019
Consolidated income statement (international practice in accordance with IAS/IFRS) Millions / Euro
– total revenues 1,595.5
– industrial gross profit 581.2
– total operating cost 388.7
– operating profit 192.5
– net financial income 36.6
– profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 169.2


Consolidated balance sheet Millions / Euro
– working capital  143.0
– non-current assets  1,220.7
– provision for severance indemnities and other provisions -221.7
– net debt -637.1
– equity pertaining to the group and minority interests 504.9


Other information Millions / Euro
– depreciation, amortization and impairment 81.6
– R & D costs 53.9


Dividend per share 2.0


Employees 5,949


Share capital 22,470,504,68


Net Sales By Sector: Year 2019
tea, food & other 804.6 50.4%
pharmaceutical 699.6 43.9%
tobacco packaging 91.3 5.7%
Total 1,595.5 100.0%


Net Sales by Country: Year 2019
E.U. (excluding Italy) 451.3 28.3%
Other European countries 109.1 6.8%
North America 313.7 19.7%
Asia & Middle East 354.7 22.2%
Other countries 173.9 10.9%
Total exports 1,402.7 87.9%
Italy 192.8 12.1%
Total 1,595.5 100.0%


Main Data: 30/06 Year 2019
Consolidated income statement (international practice in accordance with IAS/IFRS) Millions/Euro
– total revenue 694.1
– industrial gross profit 242.4
– total operating cost 186.6
– operating profit 55.8
– net financial expense 12.4
– profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 31.1


Consolidated balance sheet Millions/Euro
– working capital 108.5
– non-current assets 812.5
– provision for severance indemnities and other provisions -136.4
– net debt -423.5
– equity pertaining to the group and minority interests 361.1


Other information Millions/Euro
– depreciation and amortization 35.3
– R & D costs 27.3


Employees 5,755


Share capital 20,415,200


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