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The Prexima challenge @ Comparison of Rotary Tablet Presses seminar • Leverkusen (Germany), 2-4 July 2019

Post published on 30/04/2019

The Prexima challenge @ Comparison of Rotary Tablet Presses seminar

IMA Active is pleased to take part in the Comparison of Rotary Tablet Presses seminar, which will be held in Leverkusen (Germany), on July 2-4, 2019.

The seminar is organized by Solids Development Consult GmbH and the University of Bonn, with the aim to have a direct comparison between different tablet presses performance.

All major tablet press manufacturers are called to participate in the challenge. Those who accepted it are Bosch, Kilian, Romaco, Korsch and IMA Active with Prexima 300.

During the 2 days workshop, several different powder blends with critical properties like poor flowability, sensitivity to lubricants and capping tendency, will be tested on all tablet presses together with force-hardness profiles and trials to determine tablet weight variations.

The results of rotary presses performance from hands-on sessions, will be presented during the conference when theory sessions on characterizing tableting properties of formulations and lectures of external speakers on hot topics will be given.


  • Compare various production rotary tablet presses.
  • Explore and test main influencing factors in tableting.
  • Deal with challenging formulations.
  • Discuss formulation characterization methods.
  • Learn about external lubrication, scale-up, regulatory aspects of tableting and reducing sticking with specially coated punches.

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