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Demand for parenteral products has risen strongly in the pharmaceutical market. And far from slowing down, the trend is expected to grow even more over the coming years.

The secondary packaging of parenteral products such as vials, ampoules, syringes, insulin pens and inhalers is a highly complex process in terms of managing product, packaging and production flexibility. IMA Safe has invested in innovation to develop technologies that can meet all these requirements.

Working with IMA Safe means you can count on a trusted partner, capable of providing comprehensive support in finding the most suitable solutions to safely pack your product.


Your trusted partner for parenteral products packaging


Paper tray packaging

IMA Safe has developed a highly flexible line for packaging a wide range of parenteral products and medical devices on paper trays inside cartons, creating 100% paper-based packaging.

The paper tray packaging line is based on well-established know-how already applied to other portfolio applications and guarantees brilliant performances. The whole technology is 100% in-house developed.

Using paper is a valid solution for secondary packaging because it is made from renewable resources, is easy to recycle, has relatively low energy requirements and is biodegradable.

Deep draw thermoforming

The series of IMA Safe deep draw thermoforming machines guarantees high-quality production standards for the packaging of parenteral products in formable trays: careful handling of the product, high productivity and maximum flexibility in both product feeding and machine configuration.

C260 for small and medium production batches, C360 for large batches: discover and find the best solution to fit your needs.

Vertical cartoning

When it comes to cartoning solutions for fragile or numerous parenteral products, or those requiring special configurations inside the carton, the VERTICARE stands out because it allows extremely controlled, precise cartoning. ​

This is a highly flexible solution for packaging a wide range of parenteral products and medical devices creating 100% paper-based packaging.

Horizontal cartoning

Choose the horizontal cartoning machine most suited to you for packaging parenteral products, in loose format or with the tray support, into the carton. All IMA Safe cartoners guarantee delicate product management, cutting the risk of damaging the primary packaging.

The expertise IMA Safe has developed over the years in this sector has led to the development of a vast range of solutions in terms of the feeding systems and ancillary units that can be installed, the carton size range, and the achievable speeds.


Economic results and social benefits are complementary objectives through which IMA has always generated value for the company, for customers, employees, suppliers and for the entire community.

Starting from innovation, IMA ZERO is the very latest promise to create products, production processes and services, benefitting from a renewed logic of sustainability and from the awareness that IMA’s commitment today will help to shape the world of tomorrow.


Get in touch

Get in touch with IMA staff to know more about Parenteral products packaging



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