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Introduced for the first time at INTERPACK 2017, IMA Digital shapes its vision of SMART MACHINES and SMART FACTORY declining the Industry 4.0 principles according to a unique visionary approach. IMA Digital aims to deliver additional value with empowered machines and services created to supply predictive and personalised customer experiences across the entire value chain.

The idea behind Industry 4.0 is to connect human resources, data, and physical machines within a cyber-physical network. IMA sees the intelligent factory as a place where the main production elements (tools, devices and machines) are connected in order to obtain more streamlined production management, allowing higher flexibility and reconfiguration.

Exploiting data opens an almost infinite world of opportunities: production data in real time, life status of individual fitted machine components, maintenance planning, activity traceability, virtual behavior monitoring.

One of the key benefits of Smart Technologies for the Industry is that they best address the increasing need for targeted productions, while dramatically improving productivity and lead times.

Production 4.0 and quality operations are suffering from the fact that they are obliged to serve a business model for which they were not originally designed. Based on the common principles of Industry 4.0, IMA Digital will offer manufacturing the opportunity not only to fix agility and productivity issues, but also to provide quality operations with better instruments to enforce product safety and supply chain security.

The IMA ecosystem, integrating traditional skills with innovative digital competences, allows the Group to tackle the digitalization challenge that is transforming the manufacturing world as never happened before.


IMA Digital Project:

  • aims to create innovations, giving life to advanced and sustainable digital products to have a positive impact in the communities where we live and work in;
  • wants to give life to customized digital services and mixed solutions, to cover specific and tailor-made requests.
  • has the ambition to generate greater effectiveness and efficiency of internal processes, creating value with improved machines and services, made to offer a personalized experience;


IMA Digital Project:

  • involves all the companies of the IMA Group and launches a series of projects, activities and actions aimed at optimizing internal and external processes.
  • Implements technology 4.0 within production flows and trains the operator with the most innovative digital tools, integrating technological know-how and new digital skills;
  • constantly uses cutting-edge tools and technologies to ensure the full success of the project objectives and maximize results.

Find out the world of IMA Digital with the IMA Digital Sensing Future Days, 2 IMA Event Days entirely focus on the Digital Manufacturing World.



The exclusive tech videos shot during Achema 2024 are now available on our dedicated website