IMA sta caricando

Green Soul, Digital Brain

IMA Digital is our desire for innovation.
The force
that drives us in the creation of new digital services designed to make production increasingly efficient and geared towards concrete sustainability.
An idea, a concept always in evolution that brings change and that gives life to digital products, virtual tools and smart application – technology and sustainable oriented – to obtain full production efficiency in the manufacturing world.


Ultimi aggiornamenti digitali

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  • Digital Services
    Digital Services
  • Digital Training
    Digital Training
  • Digital Engineering
    Digital Engineering
  • Connected Enterprise
    Connected Enterprise
  • Digital Organization
    Digital Organization


L’industria del packaging è oggi fortemente influenzata dalle tecnologie disponibili e dallo sviluppo di nuovi processi: non a caso, macchine e organizzazioni sono state riviste per aumentare l’efficienza e la flessibilità necessarie per soddisfare sempre più rapidamente le richieste del mercato.

Ed è proprio qui che prende vita IMA Digital e si trova la sfida più affascinante nel processo di digitalizzazione del Gruppo:

la realizzazione di Macchine Intelligenti e Connesse, impianti in grado di gestire autonomamente la produzione e di autoregolarsi attraverso algoritmi potenziati e logiche di controllo superiori.

Grazie alla creazione di Sistemi Smart, realizzabili solo attraverso la raccolta e l’analisi dei dati di produzione, IMA Digital ha dato vita alla realizzazione di una Smart Factory evoluta basata sulla capacità di analisi e di rielaborazione autonoma di dati e informazioni provenienti dalle macchine.

La sfida più affascinante del Progetto IMA Digital si trova nei processi di digitalizzazione e nella realizzazione di macchine intelligenti e connesse, apparecchiature in grado di gestire autonomamente la produzione e autoregolarsi attraverso algoritmi potenziati e logiche di controllo superiori.


La sfida più affascinante del Progetto IMA Digital si trova nei processi di digitalizzazione e nella realizzazione di macchine intelligenti e connesse, apparecchiature in grado di gestire autonomamente la produzione e autoregolarsi attraverso algoritmi potenziati e logiche di controllo superiori.


Siamo immersi in una realtà in  cui le nuove scoperte digitali stanno trasformando radicalmente gli ambiti produttivi.  Il mondo manifatturiero dà vita a macchine sempre più connesse e capaci di  produrre e raccogliere grandi quantità di informazioni.

L’utilizzo delle Smart Machine garantisce innumerevoli vantaggi:

  • rilevamento precoce dei problemi
  • possibilità di eseguire attività di debug o di manutenzione preventiva
  • implementazione guidata di modifiche o cambi di formato

L’IIoT si sta rivelando sempre più la strada giusta per sfruttare tutte le potenzialità di questo nuovo approccio produttivo.


Negli ultimi anni, la sicurezza informatica è diventata un tema dominante nel mondo manifatturiero. Il problema è ora risolto con A4GATE, la soluzione integrata hardware e software per proteggere la riservatezza dei dati, le operazioni di sistema e la sicurezza degli operatori.


Negli ultimi anni la sicurezza informatica è diventata un tema dominante nel mondo manifatturiero. Gli attacchi hacker sono sempre più frequenti e mettono a rischio dati, sistemi e persone.

Il problema ora è risolto con A4GATE, la soluzione integrata hardware e software per proteggere la riservatezza dei dati, il funzionamento del sistema e la sicurezza degli operatori.

A4GATE è il luogo sicuro tra le tue macchine intelligenti e gli accessi remoti esterni non controllati.


IMA Data Room è lo spazio virtuale protetto e sicuro nel cloud dove tutte le informazioni vengono raccolte e archiviate attraverso le tecnologie IIOT e dove risiedono i programmi software di analisi dei dati.


Le Data Room, ambienti sicuri in-cloud in cui salvare i dati di produzione, stanno diventando un elemento sempre più importante nella strategia produttiva delle aziende. ​​

Le Data Room di IMA sono gli spazi virtuali protetti e sicuri on-cloud dove tutte le informazioni vengono raccolte e archiviate attraverso le tecnologie IIOT e dove risiedono i programmi software di analisi dei dati.


IMA Sentinel è la piattaforma per monitorare autonomamente le condizioni delle macchine in tempo reale 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, raccogliendo dati grezzi e traducendoli in informazioni significative e preziose. 


IMA Sentinel è la piattaforma per monitorare autonomamente le condizioni delle macchine in tempo reale 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, raccogliendo dati grezzi e traducendoli in informazioni significative e preziose. 

Sentinel fornisce: elenchi di azioni intelligenti e dinamici per l’operatore per contribuire a migliorare l’efficienza, statistiche dei dati macchina per un’armonizzazione intelligente della linea, prestazioni medie reali per un’accurata pianificazione della produzione.

Monitora ogni volta che sei la tua base installata con IMA Sentinel.


Grazie ai servizi della Control Room, il cliente è in grado di aumentare l’efficienza produttiva tramite l’impiego di report dettagliati, avvisi specifici e supporto generale 24/7 per la gestione dei problemi operativi.


Il modello Industria 4.0 non può prescindere dai dati e dal valore che essi possono generare. Connessioni tramite reti digitali, organizzazione e interpretazione delle informazioni sono le modalità per ottenere risultati di produzione ottimizzati attraverso l’analisi degli eventi, la manutenzione preventiva e predittiva.

Il Gruppo IMA ha realizzato diversi progetti riguardanti l’interconnettività delle macchine, realizzando servizi e prodotti capaci di ottimizzare l’esperienza d’uso degli impianti. Grazie ai servizi di Control Room, il cliente è in grado di aumentare l’efficienza dell’impianto attraverso l’utilizzo di report dettagliati, alert specifici e supporto generale 24 per la presa in carico di problemi e malfunzionamenti.


IMA Service Portal is the web section to track your installed base and the right place to report malfunctions and request offers. Thanks to an intuitive web interface, users explore their facilities, with the possibility of formulating requests for technical assistance.

IMA Customer Service Portal is available 24/7 with a simple click from any place with a web connection. The service allows the customer to download updated line/machine documentation, open new requests to solve problems on the installed bases, standardize spare parts and upgrade requests.


IMA Remote Assistance is the IMA Digital service aimed to offer remote support and restore production quickly. Through selected tools, an IMA operator will be able to promptly support the resolution of technical problems that have occurred on the machine, remotely.

IMA Remote Assistance guarantees:

  • remote support to the operator on-site in real-time ;
  • immediate response to emergencies;
  • an increase of the technical assistance efficiency;

to record/archive solutions found for subsequent use.


In the past, FAT was an activity that had to take place in the factory. But today, with the help of advanced communication technologies, FAT can also be performed remotely.

Through dedicated platforms, IMA is able to offer the opportunity to carry out the checking procedures of the plant testing without the on-site presence of the commissioning technicians. Through streaming mode, the customer actively interacts by participating in online webinars equipped with all the most advanced tools. A live connection is activated between the IMA production plants and the customer’s technical staff connected remotely, ensuring continuity of operations.


Through the IMA Smart Suite Suite APP, IMA customers have full access to a wide range of services, tools and indications to: facilitate and simplify the production activity, speed up and improve the systems management, obtain a more advanced quality of the product.

One solution to facilitate operators and engineers, guaranteeing direct and immediate access to the relevant information: Digital Documentation, Spare Parts e-commerce, Maintenance, Troubleshooting.


The technological developments of recent years have radically changed the rules of production, giving rise to a Business To Business market that opens up to the reformulation of strategies, tools and approaches. ​

With the aim of simplify and speed up the whole order process IMA created MyIMA Spare Parts, the e-commerce platform to order spare parts and keep track of the orders placed. Through the portal the customer is able to immediately view the prices of components and stock availability, create offers and orders and monitor them.​


IMA Group has created a wide range of solutions that integrate platforms and tools covering the needs of 360° training. The proposals aim to divide education into phases, designed to anticipate training where it is impossible to involve equipment, and exploit advanced technology where training can be carried out directly on the systems.​

Discover the wide range offers: 

  • IMA DIGITAL CLASSROOM, traditional spaces intended for group training, in which students are guided by expert teachers and supported by latest-generation digital devices.​
  • IMA E-LEARNING, mode in which students train independently when and where they want.​
  • IMA TRAINING ON THE JOB, mode in which operators carry out training directly on the machine with the support of advanced digital devices.  ​


Digitization changes the way we serve our customers. Digital tools support our technicians on duty in their daily work, starting from problem management to get to the different tasks to be performed.

Connected Field Force APP makes our services and customer support more and more efficient in the management of machines and equipment.

Technicians use the APP to track maintenance interventions, interact with the machine, access equipment documentation (also in 3D) or spare parts, obtain instructions for repairing mechanical parts or proceed with a format change.

The application also allows the closure of the request for technical assistance before leaving the customer’s site. The Connected Field Force App guarantees increased productivity, efficiency and competence of operators, reduced downtime, a mobile support for access to digital documentation.

In manufacturing, what is the ideal way to ensure that maintenance staff and operators can best  manage the installed base quickly, safely and effectively before malfunctions occur? Planned  operator training using the latest Smart Technologies will lead to efficient maintenance that  facilitates production.​

IMA Group has created a wide range of solutions that integrate platforms and tools covering the  needs of 360° training. The proposals aim to divide education into phases, designed to anticipate  training where it is impossible to involve equipment, and exploit advanced technology where training can be carried out directly on the systems.​

Discover the wide range offers: 

  • IMA DIGITAL CLASSROOM, traditional spaces intended for group training, in which  students are guided by expert teachers and supported by latest-  generation digital devices.​
  • IMA E-LEARNING, mode in which students train independently when and where  they want.​
  • IMA TRAINING ON THE JOB, mode in which operators carry out training directly on  the machine with the support of advanced digital devices.  ​


IMA’s Digital Classrooms are specially designed environments enabling learning through use of the latest digital technologies. 

Each classroom is staffed with expert trainers who guide trainees through their learning process. Thanks to the combination of know-how and technologies, trainees can practise increasing confidence and interaction skills with the digital copies of equipment, safely and in a risk-free environment. ​

Interactive multimedia formats and Virtual Reality enrich the experience.


The IMA E-learning mode has been specifically designed to allow the trainee to investigate the topics covered in class in greater depth, independently and at any place or time. 

​This mode allows them to review and examine the content more closely, on the same platforms and with the same technologies, offering the chance to undergo tests and exams to establish a degree of understanding.​

The use of interactive multimedia formats and of IMA Virtual Reality contributes to enriching the experience.​


Training, which began in the Digital Classroom and continued with E-Learning, can be integrated and enhanced in production directly on the machine with the support of advanced technologies.

The use of APPs dedicated to ordinary or extraordinary maintenance allows operators to carry out daily activities in a practical and efficient way, and the use of augmented reality elements facilitates the most complex operations.


IMA Skillgate is a versatile platform dedicated to the world of training. The portal collects all the content dedicated to learning paths in a timely and effective way, dividing them into courses and modules.​​

The platform also monitors and tracks the path of the users enrolled in the training programs and verifies their learning through a series of quizzes and tests: once passed, the user receives the certificate of completion of the related course.​

IMA Skillgate is able to track the training achievements related to both a dedicated training on pc or tablet, but also through the tests proposed within the IMA Virtual Reality. ​


Smart Factories are no longer a dream. They are born from the convergence of virtual and physical worlds as integration between production processes and artificial intelligence, giving life to a wide number of problems and potentialities.

IMA Digital Technologies are the answer to the different digital needs of productions and supply chains. The use of new prototyping (3D printing) and production (AM) systems, integrated with existing plants, allows greater agility, flexibility, better quality and precision in the realization of the final product. 

The Smart Factory includes also a combination of production, information and communication technologies, with a great potential for integration along the entire supply chain.

Cyber-physical devices become machines, warehouse systems and “smart” production facilities able to exchange information independently, interact with trained operators, activate actions and control each other, with a consequent improvement in industrial processes. 

IMA vision of Smart Factory – enhanced by the Digital Engineering – is a place where the main production elements are connected to achieve more fluid management and greater flexibility and reconfiguration.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models can improve almost every aspect of a company, from marketing to sales to maintenance. In the manufacturing field, the rise of the IoT and the unprecedented amount of data it generated has ushered in numerous opportunities for using ML.

Machine learning allows predictive monitoring, with automatic learning algorithms that include numerous types of use: from preventive maintenance (with the prevention of faults before they occur), to the automation of document digitization (effectively reducing flow times of work), passing through quality control (through reading and viewing activities) and logistics.

IMA Group has launched a series of collaborations, partnerships and projects concerning Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Among the various activities IMA supports AI in the Additive Manufacturing through Inkbit, a startup born from the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Cambridge MIT. The company works on a 3D printer that using Machine Learning techniques is able to correct printing errors in real time, guaranteeing the geometry of the finished product.


Using systems design methods that guarantee time saving and cost saving is one of the emerging needs within modern industrial markets.

Among the different options available, virtual commissioning is starting to be one of the most versatile ways to obtain highly functional industrial plants. The system design on a digital platform can become a valid ally in the realization of complex industrial systems thanks to numerous advantages.

The real potential of virtual commissioning lies in recreating a digital model (or digital twin) which, connected to the controller and sensors, allows the system to be digitally reproduced to bring out design errors and improvements to be implemented.

The virtual commissioning advantages are many:

  • problems and system bugs solved directly in the design phase
  • shortened production times
  • parallel activities on the same project
  • processes optimized for each contact person involved


Additive Manufacturing (or AM), also known as 3D printing, is the set of processes for creating objects starting from digital 3D models, with layer upon layer approach.

IMA has decided to adopt this type of technology, constantly implementing new technical solutions and using innovative processes at all stages of design and production.

The advantages of additive manufacturing are many:

  • the use of the strictly necessary material for the creation of the piece allows the recycling of the excess material (with a reduction in waste, a saving in costs and a lower environmental impact)
  • the versatility of technology allows the creation of an object starting from any CAD project (for greater flexibility and customization).

The AM then opens the way to innovation, by creating new designs or revisiting existing product versions. By introducing the material only where necessary, lighter structures are created with further energy savings to move the components themselves.

Discover more details on the potential of Additive Manufacturing.


Making factories connected and communicating means enhancing a myriad of information flows from partners, products, plants, machines, devices, systems and applications.

Digital innovation makes it possible to connect processes, products and people. The management of this large amount of data opens to the processing and interpretation mechanisms enhanced by Artificial Intelligence and all its derives: from Machine Learning to Deep Learning.

The application of decision models supported by algorithms built for each individual business allows the world of manufacturing a proactive, predictive and, in its most advanced form, prescriptive.


In a Smart Factory, each platform or system acquires its own identity in the digital world through self-identification.

The automated systems develop and enrich: they see, learn and adapt to the environment, guaranteeing superior quality control and interacting with the work of the operator.

With the implementation of digital infrastructures, new wearable devices are created and new human-machine interfaces support operational activities. New areas of application and new treatable materials find space to achieve superior mechanical finishes and strengths.


IMA is a company with an innovative and global vision, in which people have the power to drive change. The Group bases its growth on the entrepreneurial spirit of individuals, the real strength to face the ambitious challenges of the business.

In IMA Smart Factory the individual is increasingly at the center and involved in a dynamic context and devoted to the concepts of Industry 4.0.

And by reflecting on the new IMA Smart Factory, we also thought about the growth and reskill of the most valuable resources for the Group: people.

Within IMA Digital, projects have been launched with the aim of strengthening skills and enhancing know-how. We integrate, train and develop the potential to make learning processes more efficient and facilitate growth.


IMA aims to be a sustainable organization that values ​​skills and people. We plan a thorough and in-depth training for the development of human resources in the various functions. Using Digital Tools and Innovative Approaches, we schedule a wide development of our people on multiple levels.

We adopt a flexible structure to maintain the agility of individual companies within the Group, to better support people’s growth and business innovation.

Digital technology integrates and contributes to the company’s skills mobility, allowing people to be in the right places at the right time.

IMA Digital Services are Technology Sensitive. The level of complexity is varying regarding type of machines and processes.


Discover how to improve your plant to reach
a higher efficiency in your production.



IMA Digital is a project that addresses different development areas and an ever-increasing number of technologies used along the entire value chain.

Find out more about the Project with a series of unpublished editorials, articles that from time to time analyze – through a clean cut – the role that Smart Technologies play today and that will increasingly play in the future in production.

Sensing Future Days – IMA Digital Native, now Reloaded!

Find out the world of IMA Digital through the IMA Digital Sensing Future Days, IMA event entirely focused on the Digital Manufacturing World.

Just a few months after the debut of the very first virtual event marked by innovation, manufacturing processes and top trending topics during the time of social distancing, IMA is back again with a new edition of the Sensing Future Days, two days entirely focused on the Digital Universe of the Manufacturing. During this edition, experts in Digital Industry and established academics made their scientific contribution blended with our technological expertise to give an all-round view of the digital industrial scenario

Projects and Partnerships

The Group boasts numerous prestigious Projects, Partnerships and Collaborations with the aim of contributing to technological progress and constantly increasing the quality of its final product.



The exclusive tech videos shot during Achema 2024 are now available on our dedicated website