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Are you ready to fulfil your ambitions? Find out about job opportunities.

We are constantly looking for people who want to follow and develop their talent. Come and discover what we offer and become part of our team.

Personalised paths, different perspectives

There’s a future for your experience

For professionals with a proven experience in the world of industrial automation, the IMA Group offers the change to further their career and develop their capacities by working directly on managerially complex projects.

These are strategic projects, possibly international, with interfunctional teamwork at headquarters, giving a comprehensive idea of the group’s workings, besides being involved in the organisation’s strategic decision-making.

Having gained experience within the Company, the IMA Group continues to nurture the expectations of the more ambitious senior staff: specific  training on the development of advanced management skills is being designed.

Since IMA is a truly multinational organisation, there is the opportunity to work in a foreign branch: internationalisation offers numerous challenges and professionals can contribute to the growth of the Group.

The starting line for potential: we are on your side

For graduates who have concluded their studies with commitment, passion and enthusiasm and are now looking for a stimulating starting position in which to develop their knowledge; here is our IMA Potential, personalised classroom and on-the-job training which aim to transfer and develop IMA’s know-how, as a hallmark and added value in the work carried out by each person.

A solid foundation for the future

Training arrangements, thesis internships, company workshops: in IMA the link between the labour market and professional education is important, opening up new opportunities for young people and enabling them to choose the most suitable career for their aptitudes and ambitions.

An example of this is #packyourtalent, a series of internal events, organised with the help of local and other universities.

Furthermore, we have been supporting the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro (alternating school with periods of work) for the students of vocational secondary schools.

We have a leading role in the organisation and promotion of the ITS Bologna course on the subject of Mechanical Systems and Industrial Automation (

Our Areas

Design, Research and Development

In a world characterised by global competition, IMA stands out thanks for its highly innovative products and the qualitative and technological standards of its machines. The main objective is to make products that can adapt to the specific needs of the customer; products that are highly flexible in terms of theirfunctionality


The production of machines and highly personalised systems calls for a flexible production model, which makes it possible to maintain in-house those operations that require particular skills, while outsourcing less crucial operations to external suppliers. The Logistics-Production division deals with the coordination and monitoring of all phases of the production process, from the purchase of raw materials to completion of the end product.

Sales & Marketing

Sales and Marketing has the task of providing the tools for market and competition analysis, promoting the development of new products, setting sales targets and strategies and  giving the necessary assistance to customers through a consolidated sales network worldwide.


The central staff functions (Administration, Finance and Control, Human Resources, Quality Assurance, Environment & Safety, Information Systems, etc.) support the various production divisions of the Group.

Are you ready to fulfil your ambitions?


01 – Job search:Visit the job vacancies section on our website to find job opportunities, divided into 4 areas: Design, Production, Sales and Staff.

If you do not find something to your liking, you can forward a spontaneous application.

02 – Online application: On our website there is a link for every vacancy for online application. Applying online gives you the opportunity to share information about yourself and to describe your capacities, interests and experience.  Please fill in the online form carefully and attach a brief application letter, as well as further information on your area of interest. All the fields of the form marked with an asterisk are mandatory. You can attach files up to 5 MB. Once you have sent your application, you will receive an auto-reply to acknowledge receipt.

03 – The HR interview:upon receipt of the applications, our recruiting team will carry out a preliminary selection, which will include psychometric tests.

  • Candidates who have the capacities and qualifications that match the position will be contacted by the selection team for an initial  telephone contact (pre-screening). If the applicant matches the requirements, the selection will continue face-to-face.

  • The main objective of the HR interview is to get to know each other. We will present the company, describe our activities and will go into greater detail concerning the position for which you are being interviewed. In turn, you will help us understand the level of experience that you will bring to the position, your interest in our company and the passion for your work.

04 – Interview with Line and HR Managers: once a shortlist of suitable candidates has been finalised, it is forwarded to the line managers and a second interview is organised in which HR Managers will also take part.

05 – Feedback:after this final interview, according to schedule, you will be informed about the results of the selection process.

The Recruiting team usually organises an Assessment Centre if there is a need to hire a number of similar profiles as requirements that can emerge from the dynamics typical of group meetings.



The exclusive tech videos shot during Achema 2024 are now available on our dedicated website