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2020 Corporate Documents

Estratto del patto parasociale relativo a SO.FI.MA. Società Finanziaria Macchine Automatiche e I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.P.A. READ
Informazioni essenziali Patto Parasociale READ


Shareholders’ meeting  27/10/2020
Amendment to the notice of calling ordinary shareholders’ meeting  of  I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.P.A. READ
Notice of call of the Shareholders’ Meeting READ
Excerpt of the notice of call of the shareholders’ meeting READ
Summary report of the votes READ
Directors’ report on the sole item on the agenda READ
Proxy form pursuant to article 2372 of the Italian Civil Code READ
Proxy form to the appointed representative as per art. 135-undecies TUFor representation at the Shareholders’ meeting READ
Proxy/sub-proxy form to the appointed representative for representation at the Shareholders’ meeting as per art. 135-novies TUF READ


Shareholders’ meeting of 10 June 2020
Notice of deposit of the 2019 Annual Financial Report READ

Notice of call of the ordinary shareholders’ meeting


Ordinary shareholders’ meeting minutes



Summary report of the votes


Proxy form to the appointed representative for representation at the Shareholders’ meeting


Proxy/sub-proxy form to the appointed representative for representation at the Shareholders’ meeting

Report on the first item in the agenda READ
Report on the second item in the agenda READ
Report on the third item in the agenda READ
Independent auditor’s report of financial statements at December 31, 2019 READ
Independent auditor’s report of Consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2019 READ
Statement of Consolidated non-financial information pursuant to art. 3 D.Lgs. 254/2016 READ
Note to Report of the Board of Statutory Auditor at December 31, 2019 N/A
Report of the Board of Statutory Auditor at December 31, 2019 N/AS


Shareholders’ meeting of 21 April 2020 [CANCELLED]
Notice of call of the Shareholders’ Meeting READ
Excerpt of the notice of call of the shareholders’ meeting READ
Proxy form pursuant to article 2372 of the Italian Civil Code READ


Shareholders’ Agreement

Key information pursuant to article 122 of legislative decree 24 february 1998, no. 58 (“financial act”)



Merger Corazza Spa into IMA Spa
Notice pursuant to art. 2505, paragraph 3, of Italian Civil Code N/A

Plan of merger into IMA Spa

IMA Spa half-yearly financial statements as at 30 June 2020 READ
Corazza Spa financial position and profit or loss statement as at 30 June 2020 N/A
IMA Spa Board of Directors minutes N/A
Corazza Spa Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting minutes N/A


UK HM Revenue  & Customs (paragraph 16 of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016)
Tax strategy 2020 READ


The present is the English translation of the Italian official report.
For any difference between the two texts, the Italian text shall prevail.