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Projects and Partnerships

Through partnerships and collaborations with private entities and universities, IMA supports the development of projects, ideas and innovative solutions.

IMA is present in 80 countries worldwide with over 45 production facilities. The Group is active internationally in collaboration with companies, institutions, research centers, universities and companies in the manufacturing sector.

The Group boasts numerous prestigious Projects, Partnerships and Collaborations with the aim of contributing to technological progress and constantly increasing the quality of its final product.

The skills that IMA puts into place in project development include the evaluation of materials, products and processes, and their optimization and development.

In this way the Group is able to create value and support its partners in the search for eco-effective innovations.



Technologies factory and consortium counting 57 Italian players (universities, research centers and companies) to create a cutting-edge laboratory.


INKBIT, Spinout from the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Its goal is to find an additive manufacturing platform offering reliability, throughout, precision and quality material required by a factory floor.


One of the most important IT companies in the world specialized in software production.


The Center supports young and talented researchers in the development of innovative technologies  and in their introduction into the market.


Membership created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to strengthen innovation in a common technological vision.


Company dedicated to helping manufacturers enhance their vision inspection processes.
AI-powered visual inspection enhances the capabilities of machine vision alone in detecting anomalies and product variations.


With more than 30 years of experience, PTC provides digital solution for production applications combining Augmented Reality, Industrial IoT, PLM and CAD solutions.


As a world leader in business software solutions, SAP provides applications and services to support companies of any size operating in any market sector, to work together efficiently and use business information more effectively.


One of the world’s largest producers of energy-efficient, resource-saving technologies. A leading supplier of systems for power generation and transmission as well as medical diagnosis.



Human-Centric Digital Twin Approaches to Trustworthy AI and Robotics for Improved Working Conditions.


ROSSINI PROJECT, program funded to create tools to encourage the spread of HRC man-operator applications, increase product quality, flexibility and productivity.
This project has received funds from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 818087.


The project focuses on the implementation of Industry 4.0  practices and Artificial Intelligence platforms and techniques for the production of packaging machines.


SUGAR, is a global network that brings together students, universities and companies for the future of innovation through a new learning experience.
Completed Project ( June 2020).


Regional Law 14/2014 for the promotion of investments in Emilia-Romagna

Call for proposal “Art. 6 Accordi Regionali di Insediamento e Sviluppo delle Imprese (ARIS).”

The goal of the IDM project was to build a digital platform for the integration of manufacturing processes aimed at full digitalisation of IMA’s supply chain by combining various Smart Manufacturing Technologies.

Several digital infrastructure architecture solutions were analysed with a view to reaching this goal. Cooperation of IMA’s suppliers was key to understanding how to improve coordination systems and how to reduce lead times.

Along with this, industrial IoT solutions were studied and implemented to standardise and optimise the flow of information and allow it to be shared across the entire supply chain.

The project also aimed at introducing and promoting the application of innovative Additive Manufacturing technologies within IMA: this was achieved both through the development of the necessary internal skills and through the adoption of new and more advanced software tools.

The data collected through the supply chain must be analysed in order to make increasingly efficient use of resources; therefore, a part of the project encompassed the development of a system of Data/Text Mining techniques.

Lastly, the IDM project aimed at creating an IMA research centre where companies in the regional Mechatronics-Motorsport district would benefit from a physical and virtual infrastructure to conduct experiments and develop applications using Smart Manufacturing Technologies.

The centre hosts staff of 20 graduate students from different areas (IoT, Additive Manufacturing, Analytics, etc.) and is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and tools.

CUP E78I17000070009

Durata del Progetto: 17/01/2017 – 23/10/2021

Legge Regionale 14/2014 Promozione degli investimenti in Emilia-Romagna

Bando in attuazione dell’Art. 6 Accordi Regionali di Insediamento e Sviluppo delle Imprese (ARIS).

L’obiettivo del progetto IDM è stato quello di realizzare una piattaforma digitale per l’integrazione del processo produttivo che, combinando una serie di Smart Manufacturing Technologies, ha permesso una completa digitalizzazione della supply chain di IMA. Per fare questo sono state analizzate le possibili soluzioni di architettura dell’infrastruttura digitale, inizialmente presso i fornitori consociati di IMA, con lo scopo di migliorare i sistemi di coordinamento e ridurre i tempi di consegna.

In parallelo sono state studiate ed implementate soluzioni di Industrial IoT per standardizzare ed ottimizzare il flusso di informazioni, in modo da renderlo condiviso con tutta la supply chain.

Il progetto ha anche avuto lo scopo di introdurre e diffondere l’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie di produzione additiva (Additive Manufacturing) all’interno di IMA: questo obiettivo è stato raggiunto sia tramite lo sviluppo delle competenze interne necessarie, sia tramite l’adozione di nuovi e più evoluti strumenti software che permettono di sfruttare a pieno le capacità di queste tecnologie.

I dati raccolti dalla supply chain devono essere analizzati allo scopo di utilizzare in maniera sempre più efficiente le risorse; per fare questo il progetto ha previsto lo sviluppo di un sistema per la raccolta e l’elaborazione dei dati con tecniche di Data/Text Mining.

Infine, il progetto IDM ha avuto l’obiettivo di dare vita, all’interno di IMA, ad un centro di ricerca per permettere alle aziende del sistema regionale della Meccatronica-Motoristica di avere a disposizione un’infrastruttura sia fisica che virtuale per la sperimentazione delle Smart Manufacturing Technologies precedentemente descritte. Il centro impiega uno staff di 20 persone laureate, specializzate nei diversi ambiti (IoT, Additive Manufacturing, Analytics, ecc) ed è dotato di attrezzatture innovative appositamente sviluppate.

Other Training Institutions

IMA is internationally active in the collaboration with institutions, research centers and universities in the manufacturing sector.


ITS MAKER is the Higher Institute of Mechanics, Mechatronics and packaging of Emilia Romagna.
It carries out two-year post-diploma courses, aimed at entering the best mechanical and mechatronic companies in the region.