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Post published on 02/04/2024

IMA Career Month

May is Career Month for IMA!

In May, we will take part in many Career Days around Italy: we will therefore have multiple occasions to meet in person all the students who are interested in becoming part of the IMA world.

Our HR Team will be present at every Career Day in the cities indicated in the table below: you will have the chance to discuss together the application process, recommendations on how to create a noticeable CV, tips on how to deal with job interviews, job opportunities in IMA and every curiosity you may have in the Group.

On certain occasions, there will be a presentation held by our Brand Ambassadors, ex-students who currently work in IMA and who will share their growth path you, from being a student to working in IMA. They will be available to answer any question about their work experience and maybe give you some meaningful tips.  

Save the dates, bring your CV and let’s meet in the nearest city to you!

When? Where?

7th May: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM

POLIMI, Campus Bovisa, Via Lambruschini 4 – Milan (Italy).

7th May: 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM

UNIFE, polo Scientifico Tecnologico in Unife, via Giuseppe Saragat, 1, Ferrara (Italy).

7th May: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

UNIFI, Campus Morgagni, viale Morgagni 44, Firenze (Italy).

IMA will hold a presentation.

14th May: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

UNISI, San Niccolò di Siena – STEM Talent Week, Siena (Italy).

16th May: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

UNIGE: Aula Magna Via Balbi 5, Genova.

At 12 pm, IMA will hold a presentation.


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24th May

Job Day UNIBO: Palazzo Vespignani, via Garibaldi 24, Imola (Bologna, Italy) and Palazzo Dal Pero, via Garibaldi 37, Imola (Bologna, Italy).


IMA will hold a presentation, more info coming soon. 

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