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Main Financial Data 2018

Main Data: 31/12 Year 2018
Consolidated income statement (international practice in accordance with IAS/IFRS) Millions/Euro
– total revenues 1,500.37
– industrial gross profit 572.04
– total operating cost 361.98
– operating profit 210.06
– net financial expense o.54
– profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 104.03


Consolidated balance sheet Millions/Euro
– working capital 99.08
– non-current assets 623.66
– provision for severance indemnities and other provisions -117.23
– net debt -184.58
– equity pertaining to the group and minority interests 420.93


Other information Millions/Euro
– depreciation and amortization and impairement 44.08
– R & D costs 55.31


Dividend per share 1.70


Employees 5,456


Share capital 20,415,200


Net Sales By Sector: Year 2018
tea, food & other 686.17 45.7%
pharmaceutical 631.27 42.1%
tobacco packaging 182.93 12.2%
Total 1,500.37 100.0%


Net Sales by Country: Year 2018
E.U. (excluding Italy) 450.01 30.0%
Other European countries 114.97 7.7%
North America 241.13 16.1%
Asia & Middle East 375.66 25.0%
Other countries 150.95 10.0%
Total exports 1,332.72 88.8%
Italy 167.65 11.2%
Total 1,500.37 100.0%


Main Data: 30/06 Year 2018
Consolidated income statement (international practice in accordance with IAS/IFRS) Millions/Euro
– total revenue 730.1
– industrial gross profit  264.5
– total operating cost 195.3
– operating profit 69.2
– net financial income 5.8
– profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 43.9


Consolidated balance sheet Millions/Euro
– working capital 84.3
– non-current assets 643.3
– provision for severance indemnities and other provisions -140.2
– net debt -230.5
– equity pertaining to the group and minority interests 356.9


Other information Millions/Euro
– depreciation and amortization 22.7
– R & D costs 29.0


Employees 5,729


Share capital 20,415,200