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A long-lasting collaboration between the two leading companies with one common goal: commitment to product quality.

There's so much to say about Hyland's and IMA Active.

Work, Research and Innovation – these are the metrics of success established by customers when asked about their expectations of an ideal partner for process advancement. When it comes to describing the collaboration between IMA and Hyland’s, it is really telling the story of a common commitment to the highest in product quality. Hyland’s is celebrating well over a century-long commitment to making safe and natural homeopathic medicines. During all these decades, the company has stayed true to the inspiration and commitment of its founders of making these safe, natural medicines available – beginning with the pharmacist and visionary George Hyland back in 1903. In that year eight physicians founded the Standard Homeopathic Pharmacy in Los Angeles, on 7th Street between Broadway & Spring – retail at street level with manufacturing in the basement.
Since then, Hyland’s has always been driven by the simple scientific theory of how the body can call upon its own natural defenses to heal. This is the basis of homeopathic medicine. So even during times when cultural and political factors have pushed homeopathic medicine from the mainstream, Hyland’s has held its ground with integrity and wisdom. Today Hyland’s stands as a leader in innovations that answer the changing health needs of our modern world. From master athletes who use Hyland’s ® Leg Cramps quick-dissolving tablets on their 3000-mile adventures, to sniffling children who send their parents running to fetch Hyland’s 4 Kids® Cold ‘n Cough so they can get back to feeling like themselves again – Hyland’s medicines share the journeys of people’s lives.
Partnering with Hyland’s since 2010, IMA Active is the one stop shop capable of supplying equipment for the whole manufacturing chain and to support product development. All IMA Active solutions take advantage of the know-how belonging to the experts specializing in individual product lines, but also capable of sharing and cultivating such knowledge within a team. IMA Active not only provides a vast selection of integrated equipment but also a host of tailored solutions for specific applications. «IMA state-of-the-art technologies are well known all over the world. Our new manufacturing facility for Hyland’s products will include IMA equipment for processing and packaging to ensure the best and most consistent product quality», recounts Jim Duquesnel, Vice President of Research and Technology Development at Hyland’s. «But what really makes the difference in choosing IMA is the company’s capability to provide assistance for process start up and scale up. It is crucial for us to establish and optimize process design, and extend quality right into each step of our manufacturing process». IMA Active’s Process and Development Laboratory includes ten test rooms with a controlled environment, staffed by qualified pharmacists and rocess engineers who offer assistance to process set-up and optimization.
IMA after sales technical assistance is valuable as well. «The high standards in after sales provided by IMA North America also make the difference for our choice in partnering. At every step, we have appreciated IMA’s positive attitude: both the technical team and their management show great willingness to collaborate with us». A long-lasting collaboration having one common goal: commitment in product quality.

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