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Ongoing research and innovation: the partnership between Labomar and IMA Active has lasted almost 10 years, founded on a shared path toward constant process and product evolution.

IMA Active and Labomar: partners in excellence.

Ongoing research and innovation: the partnership between Labomar and IMA Active has lasted almost ten years founded on a shared path toward constant process and product evolution. A partnership that the two companies intend to strengthen even in future. Founded by Walter Bertin in 1998, Labomar is a company specialised in development and production of food supplements, medical devices, food for special medical purposes and outsourced cosmetics. It works with the client backing the entire process, from raw material selection up through delivery of the finished product in solid, semisolid or liquid form. When it was listed on the Italian Stock Exchange in 2020, the company embarked upon a new stage of development for in-company and outside lines. Already having begun its process of expansion in 2019 with the Canadian company ImportFab, it continued by acquiring Welcare and Labiotre. In this manner, Labomar managed to extend its geographical reach and expand its product portfolio to cover the entire production chain – from raw material to the finished product – and today the group has a €92 million turnover and a team of about 320 people. A key ingredient to Labomar’s business is the department for scientific research and development of all-new patented formulas and, precisely in the spirit of quality and innovation, in 2014 it began its partnership with IMA Active. A world leader in the design and production of automatic machines for processing and packaging pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, tea and coffee products, the group numbers approximately 6,200 employees and 46 plants in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, India, Malaysia, China and Argentina. It has an extensive sales network comprised of 29 branches, representative offices in Central and Eastern European countries and over 50 agencies that cover a total of about 80 countries.
The provision of avant-garde technology to create products capable of meeting the highest quality standards is the fulcrum of the long-standing partnership between IMA Active and Labomar. 

“It is extremely gratifying for us to back Labomar in its growth process in a challenging industry like that of nutraceutical products, allowing the company to guarantee its clients the highest production standards. We are thrilled to have stood by Labomar for almost 10 years now as it seizes the opportunities that Industry 4.0 offers which incentivise the use of interconnected machines and the integration of process control for the plant rather than individual machines,” says Luca Cavazzini, Sales & Marketing Director of IMA Active. “After all, it’s part of our calling to spread an innovation culture that advantages companies, and thus Italy as a whole.”
Marco Annoni, Area Manager of IMA Active adds: “Against a backdrop where Labomar’s performance is constantly increasing, IMA continues to aid the company and its production team right from the R&D stage.” Specifically, the tangible expression of our partnership with Labomar is the ongoing technological assistance throughout the machines’ lifecycle and through participation in product and process development (from melt granulation to more complex coating projects, just to give a few examples).
IMA Active’s support is also decisive during the process engineering phase for the product engineering of some items and in worker training activities on machinery operation, so that workers are aware and updated on its potential.
These activities are what kindle the value of the two companies’ partnership – a spark that generates business know-how and a path to transformation and continual improvement. “No driver is stronger than innovation to grow a company; that’s why this partnership that has tied us to IMA Active for almost 10 years brings great satisfaction,” Walter Bertin, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Labomar comments. Working enthusiastically is in our blood so we work shoulder to shoulder with our clients and vendors to implement all-new technology.
That’s how we do our part in spreading the Italian manufacturing vocation together with many other small, medium and large enterprises. After all, we are convinced that innovation is the outcome of research paths, but also of comparing notes and different skills gained by the parties involved in cooperative processes. So it is essential to strive to build workplaces that encourage notes comparison, dialogue and the exchange of ideas”.

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