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Move into the future of aseptic processing with INJECTA

Building a strategy that addresses major issues and provides a single solution is the goal that has been achieved with INJECTA. Each move evaluates a specific demand facing pharmaceutical and biopharma companies today, answering it with an eye to the future. INJECTA implements advanced technologies, patented devices and relies on the wealth of experience IMA Life has in the field of aseptic processing to say checkmate. One future-looking concept paving the way towards product quality, processing efficiency and production safety.

  • INJECTA redefines flexibility and exploits robotic technologies to handle multiple packaging formats.
  • Ensuring operational modularity, robots easily adapt to new processing requirements allowing companies to react fast to changing demands. A step further in terms of modularity enables integration with freeze-drying sections or even lines under isolation.
  • Enhanced product quality and minimal product losses are obtained thanks to factors such as sterile outer bag handling, airflow and pressure controlled through key design features, patented devices for high-precision weighing and robotized handling under containment.
  • INJECTA’s unique platform offers unprecedented scalability, adapting to clinical trials or full production.
  • High containment capabilities are a must for facilities handling high potent compounds and IMA Life, with its extensive experience in isolation technology, has succeeded in matching its innovative six wall isolator with INJECTA.
  • Addressing each of these aspects gains in value for the pharmaceutical company or CMO only when advanced compliance is assured.

Only a series of coordinated moves leads the Queen to declare Checkmate. Only INJECTA has the power to deliver the outcome required for tomorrow’s world of aseptic processing.


INJECTA The Ultimate Checkmate brochure



The exclusive tech videos shot during Achema 2024 are now available on our dedicated website