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Post published on 14/03/2023

Achieving safe parenteral packaging

Parenteral medicines are gaining ground throughout the healthcare sector as pharmaceutical companies are releasing more and more self-administered therapeutic solutions to treat chronic pathologies such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or crohn’s disease. Finding the most appropriate packaging solutions for self-injectable drugs is a logical need and consequence of this trend and at IMA Safe, we are witnessing a growing demand for special secondary packaging solutions for parenteral products. Interacting with the other divisions involved for primary packaging, handling and end-of-line solutions, we are able to develop integrated lines that seamlessly manage all steps in the packaging process.


Endless opportunities with IMA Safe

With a rich portfolio comprising vertical and horizontal cartoning machines, paper tray packaging solutions and deep draw thermoforming capabilities, IMA Safe covers a broad extent of the secondary packaging requirements. Our deep draw thermoforming equipment has evolved and now allows for the use of environmentally friendly materials such as Polylactic Acid (PLA) instead of traditional PVC or PET. Derived from renewable sources such as sugar cane or corn, it is fully compostable and a highly sustainable solution for the packaging of syringes, vials and ampoules. Once the base of the tray is formed using PLA, the covering layer can be applied as an aluminium film or a paper lid made from strong primary virgin fibres. This sanctions its status as a totally recyclable container, and if it were to be incinerated, there will be no release of dioxins into the atmosphere. Converting a machine to be able to use paper as opposed to aluminium requires a simple adjustment made to the forming area.

100% paper-based packaging for a cleaner world

At IMA Safe, we make every effort to support industries in their quest to achieve greater sustainability, and this includes the pharmaceutical industry. Exploiting the group’s experience in other sectors and activating our dedicated R&D department, we have developed paper tray packaging solutions for parenteral products and medical devices that use entirely renewable sources. Thanks to the synergies created and cultivated within IMA, between divisions dealing with the same products at an earlier or later stage in their processing, at IMA Safe we steer the innovation towards two goals: performance and sustainability. Complete lines for syringes are an example of how our collective knowledge combines to act as a true partner to customers looking for complete lines where primary, secondary and end of-line operations are perfected by one supplier.

Massimo Volta, IMA Safe Marketing Manager, points out: “Combining our resources before the customer approaches us, in order to research the best solution, enables us to create the foundations for a sound proposal. The customer can then take it and perfect it according to their specific needs, and we support them throughout the equipment’s lifecycle, keeping pace with the market and safeguarding the line’s performance. Working with IMA Safe means you can count on a trusted partner, capable of providing comprehensive support in finding the most suitable solutions to safely pack your products.”

Massimo Volta
Marketing Manager at IMA Safe

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