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MOVE 7 – The checkmate

Flexibility. Scalability. Modularity. Quality Enhancement. High Containment. Advanced Compliance. Each move targets a specific need. Each move is part of a synchronised strategy. Each move converges into a future-looking concept for aseptic processing, using advanced technologies, latest-generation robotics and patented innovations.
Each move leads to Checkmate.

MOVE 6 – Advanced compliance

Strictest compliance is fast becoming a priority in the field of aseptic processing and is destined to remain a hot topic in view of meeting Annex 1 guidelines. Achieving higher Sterility Assurance Levels is the way INJECTA is moving closer to perfection, through fully automatic robotic technologies in an isolated environment, towards gloveless solutions, and real-time viable particle monitoring. INJECTA makes advanced compliance the strategy to reach superior product quality and ultimate safety.

MOVE 5 – High containment

INJECTA makes high containment an easily achievable processing condition. Design optimisation, inherent flexibility enabling minimal intervention, robotics, regular in-place decontamination and, last but not least, the perfect match with IMA Life’s six-sided isolator concept. Each of these intelligent features adds up to making INJECTA the most efficient and effective solution ensuring high containment and low concerns.

MOVE 4 – Quality enhancement

INJECTA takes quality to a new level, ensuring each step of the process is conducted in the most efficient and quality-oriented way possible. Designed to maximise the effectiveness of containment, an overwhelming presence of robotized handling methods and full in-line process control with single rejection capabilities make INJECTA the best guarantee for product quality in the processing line.

MOVE 3 – Modularity

INJECTA places your needs in pole position when it comes to adapting to your ideal layout and production requirements. Modularity is an inherent part of the machine’s concept, allowing for countless solutions that will fit into your production line layout. All modules can be assembled in various configurations, so that INJECTA models itself to your context.

MOVE 2 – Scalability

To respond to a fast-growing market trend towards targeted medicine - meaning biologics, orphan drugs and precise medicine – with the same process platform and fitted with the exact number of filling pumps and performing the same operations, INJECTA easily scales up and down to match multiple requirements.

MOVE 1 – Flexibility

INJECTA drives multi-product fill-finish operations into a new realm of flexibility. With its ability to handle so many different product types and formats, and the speed with which processing can switch from one specification to another, INJECTA is the queen of superior versatility.


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