IMA sta caricando
Pubblicato il 21/12/2018

Joy takes shape every time we give

IMA has decided, once again, to share the celebration of the Festive Season by giving.

Our support goes to Antoniano Onlus for its aid to families living below the poverty line and asylum seekers and their families, through projects of social integration and job placement, and to Médecins Sans Frontières for their work on the prevention and early diagnosis of malaria to protect the children of Bili in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

IMA helps families through Antoniano Onlus

With the Family Project, Antoniano Onlus continues its efforts to support families in need, without being limited to emergency situations, but by encouraging economic and social emancipation.

Thanks to IMA’s contribution, in 2019 Antoniano Onlus will be able to help 20 families (around 80 people, including 42 children).

In particular:

  • 10 families will have access to the evening canteen and to the services of the listening centre
  • 8 families will have access to the micro-financing fund for daily needs like paying bills, rent and school supplies for children
  • 1 parent will carry out an internship with a company for 6 months with the aim of job placement
  • 1 family will be included in the housing led program


MSF for the prevention and early diagnosis of malaria

Bili, Democratic Republic of Congo. MSF has had a presence in this country since 1981, but for the last three years it has been focusing its care and assistance on those affected by malaria.

For more than 1 million people, children in particular, malaria is still the country’s first cause of mortality: 75 children per 1,000 live births do not reach the age of five.

In 2018 the health programme in Bili addressed more than 180,000 people, including about 36,000 children under the age of five, strengthening the fight against malaria and malnutrition by implementing a system of prevention and diagnosis at community level in the health centres managed or supported by MSF, or the nearest hospitals in more serious cases.

With its donation, IMA is helping MSF to reach and treat more than 5,000 children affected by malaria and to provide approximately 800 children with intensive nutritional therapy at MSF Centres.

Discover more about IMA Social Sustainability projects »

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