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Post published on 09/11/2022

IMA’s Social Media Policy

The digitalisation of communication has opened up new avenues and new instant information tools, which anyone can access and use. The internet is now an essential resource for all individuals and organisations. As a consequence, social media are a very powerful tool nowadays, being part of our lives from personal to business reasons.

The fact that using social media is quick, easy and free does not mean precise rules can be ignored, so it is every individual’s responsibility to behave online as they would in real life. It is essential that all individuals use social media in a positive, attentive and knowledgeable way.

On social channels, information spreads at lightning speed, and just as fast can be the consequences of our actions, both positive and negative.

Considering the huge impact these could have on the company’s reputation, IMA felt it was essential to establish a set of guidelines to follow when interacting with the Group’s social profiles.

Inside the document, it will be possible to find:

  • indications about the IMA’s official accounts management – entrusted to the Corporate Communication Office – and online contents;
  • information about how content has to be treated on personal accounts;
  • recommendations about how to lead an online conversation on IMA’s accounts;
  • the general behaviour that should be respected when speaking about the Group online.

This document is aimed at external users (i.e. customers, suppliers, partners, collaborators) and it is always available in the dedicated section>>

IMA’s Corporate Communications Office is at your disposal for any difficulties you may encounter:

Read the entire Social Media Policy

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