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4th Symposium of the International Consortium for Advanced Medicines Manufacturing • 27-28 April, 2023

The event takes place from 27/04/2023 to 28/04/2023

IMA Active at the 4th Symposium of the International Consortium for Advanced Medicines Manufacturing

IMA Active is pleased to take part in the 4th Symposium of the International Consortium for Advanced Medicines Manufacturing, which will be held in Royal Sonesta, Cambridge (MA), on April 27-28, 2023.

The International Symposium of Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical (ISCMP) was established in 2012 and has organized three successful meetings bringing together leading scientist and technical experts from industry, academia, and global regulatory authorities. These symposia helped lay the foundation for future industry adoption and regulatory policies.

Building on the success of ISCMP with an eye toward accelerated adoption of advance manufacturing technologies for small molecules, biologics, vaccines, and other modalities, ICAMM (International Consortium for Advance Medicine Manufacturing) was established in 2021. ICAMM’s 2023 meeting will bring together the leading scientists and experts from academia, industry, global regulatory authorities, and policy makers to access progress to date, celebrates implementation success, evaluate remaining challenges and put together a joint future vision that will benefit patients globally by delivering needed medicines and overcoming technology and supply chain challenges.

During the event Guia Bertuzzi, Product Manager for process equipment at IMA Active will present the poster “The potential of Croma continuous coater”:

The modern pharmaceutical industry is facing the challenge of transition from a traditional manufacturing approach based on batch-wise production to Continuous Manufacturing. Croma continuous coater brings an innovative technological progress in manufacturing based on modularity and truly continuous film-coating of tablets. Croma enables faster cycle times with great process flexibility, optimized yield and throughput by enhancing sustainability. Comparing with the traditional batch coating technology Croma provides an extremely efficient process, which allows also easy scale-up. Coating process becomes more efficient: coating time is reduced, as well as the exposure of the tablets to the coating environment, with a significant impact on reducing manufacturing cost.

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The potential of Croma continuous coater

Speaker: Guia Bertuzzi, Product Manager for process equipment at IMA Active

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