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Chapter 02 #originalparts

Original is better

IMA size parts are the IMA machines’ heart because, thanks to the deep and sophisticated design made by our specialists, they are precisely what allows to obtain efficiencies close to 100%. Best performances are guaranteed despite the high production speeds or the peculiarity of the lines that sometimes require the insertion of accessories difficult to handle. IMA size parts are fully tested before being sent to the customer, which ensures an easy and quick installation to start producing immediately.

IMA provides an Assistance Service aimed at analyzing machines in production and defining the suitable format parts to fit the client’s request. IMA specialists take care of the scheduled maintenance advising the customer of any possible improvements.

Designed project by project

Originally manufactured size parts allow IMA machines to work at their highest production effciency. Size parts are designed with a combination of detailed technical knowledge and practical know-how.       

  • Detailed experience with all types of packaging materials
  • Detailed experience with all types of product and accessory to be packed
  • Detailed knowledge of the customer’s particular machine configuration

Why original?

                       ORIGINAL NOT ORIGINAL
MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY Guaranteed Not guaranteed
SPEED Maximum speed Not best performance
SIZE PART TEST Guaranteed and tested on machine Not guaranteed
INSTALLATION Just 1 week thanks to the size parts already tested and the IMA specialists helping operators Unpredictable and several visits are necessary
DELIVERY 3 months 1,5/2 months
CHANGEOVER TIME Standardized Unpredictable
MACHINE LIFECYCLE TIME Long and predictable thanks to the preventive maintenance Unpredictable becauseof the potential damage due to not original part
AFTER SALES Guaranteed by specialists Not guaranteed anymore