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BASF Interactive Pharma challenge • 21 June 2022

IMA Active at the BASF Interactive Pharma challenge

IMA Active is pleased to take part in the BASF Interactive Pharma challenge, which will be held online, on June 21, 2022.

BASF Interactive pharma challenge is a new live webcast series that gather together experts from the pharma world to discuss and experience a tablet formulation in 60 minutes.

Tablet compression is a science and an art, and a successful product run depends on a host of factors. This live feed from the BASF application lab, will explore how modern formulation development works and how the formulation process and be simplified. In this episode, Federica Giatti, Compression Technologist at IMA Active, will also discuss the interlink between a solid tablet press and a strong formulation to obtain high quality tablets.

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BASF Interactive Pharma challenge

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