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Post published on 16/01/2018

IMA Thinks Digital: Smart Packaging, Better Pharma

Introduced for the first time at INTERPACK 2017, IMA Digital shapes its vision of smart machines and smart factory declining the Industry 4.0 principles according to a unique visionary approach.

IMA Digital will deliver additional value with empowered machines and services created to supply predictive and personalized customer’s experiences across all over the value chain.

The idea behind Industry 4.0 is to connect human resources, data, and physical machines in a cyber-physical network. IMA’s vision of an intelligent factory is a place where the main production elements (tools, devices and machines) are connected in order to obtain a smoother production management, allowing higher flexibility and reconfiguration.

The possibility that the use of data will open are almost infinite: production data in real time, life status of the individual components fitted on the machine, maintenance planning, activities traceability, virtual behaviors monitoring.

Among the various advanced technologies, some of which may still seem out of reach, the one regarding collaborative robots appear to see a remarkable spike in popularity. The main reasons for that could be their relative affordability and emphasis on safety.

IMA is currently developing pilot projects, which see the experimentation of collaborative robots, known under the acronyms Cobots. A key component of the concept is the ‘Internet of Things’, which will establish intelligent machine-to-machine connectivity within and beyond company walls.

One of the key benefits of Industry 4.0 for the Pharmaceutical Industry, is that it best addresses the increasing need for targeted drugs, while dramatically improving productivity and lead times.  

In a Pharma 4.0 world, manufacturing and quality operations are suffering from the fact that they are obliged to serve a business model for which they were not originally designed.

Based on the common principles of Industry 4.0, IMA Digital will offer Pharma the opportunity not only to fix agility and productivity issues, but also to provide quality operations with better instruments to enforce product safety and supply chain security.

The IMA ecosystem, integrating traditional skills with innovative digital competences, will allow the Group to tackle the digitization challenge that is transforming the manufacturing world. Businesses face unprecedented disruption.

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