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Post published on 22/01/2019

2018 year of Packaging. New applications, new markets, new growth.

2018 has been a motivating and satisfying year for the IMA Safe packaging solutions. Turnover has increased, showing a growth of 15% compared to the previous year and in particular great results were achieved by IMA Safe Bologna, which gained a turnover increase of 19%. We are not just talking about numbers, but also about opportunities for growth as a Division, as a Group and as employees.

The collaboration between IMA Safe and the other divisions has allowed the realization of surprising special projects. They have led to address multiple sectors boasting cutting-edge technologies and difficult solutions, unequalled for the simplicity of use despite the complexity of result. For the pharmaceutical sector, which is and clearly remains the core of IMA Safe, complete lines have been designed from the primary packaging to the end of line (IMA BFB) passing through integration with labelling machines (IMA Life) and flowpack machines (ILAPAK); not to mention the numerous accessory applications that make the Safe machines adaptable to the most difficult product configurations. Cosmetics market has also been an interesting channel for tube filling and cartoning, which can be adapted to multiple sectors with versatility. Important multinationals have chosen the Safe solutions asking for new ones because of the great experience. Thanks to the Group, the division has also taken part in confectionery projects in collaboration with GIMA.
The direction we have is the constant improvement and refinement of technologies. In this growth plays an important rule the symbiosis with the other divisions that will lead to further progress.
Every market sector has benefited from the intense technology innovation, in particular regarding the feeding systems that saw a technological refinement for the blister machines and the introduction of new feeders for the cartoning machines making them more and more versatile.

Overall, 2018 saw a gradual improvement in machine ergonomics, a theme previously overlooked but now increasingly felt by customers. The machines are more and more designed to be 360° accessible and at a comfortable working height. The simplicity of a machine’s use not only benefits the operator but also affects the efficiency of the machine by reducing the downtimes.
All this flexibility of solutions and constant research on customers’ needs have allowed IMA Safe increasing the market share in Asia: many customers have put their trust in us choosing several complete lines, mainly composed of high speed or flowpack-integrated blister lines.
Considering the large number of installations all over the world we can address this success and the acquisition of new customers to the sales network, the quality and reliability of the machines but also, not less important, to the customer care that allows an important repeat business.

2019 has just started and we are ready to do always better. We want to prove every day we deserve our customers’ trust.



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