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Post published on 08/07/2022

Interview with Frank Karg - Director Planning / Control

How long have you been working as Director Planning / Control and why did you choose this job?

I started working for Hassia Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH as a Project Manager in 2016, and I have been working now for 3 years as Director Planning / Control.

After 20 years in the automotive and consumer goods sectors, I was looking for a new challenge. For me it was crucial that I can continue to work in international project management and still get to know a completely new technical area with the food industry.


What is the scope of duties in your job?
I’m responsible for the following divisions: project management, work preparation, cost estimation and order control. This is a very extensive range of tasks. They can be challenging and incredibly exciting at the same time.


Do you travel a lot in your function? Which country did you like the most?

Depending on the complexity of the tasks, travel may be necessary. I have been able to visit many interesting countries, regions and cities, all of which have their own appeal and charm. I can’t name a favorite because, as an always positive and optimistic person, I try to integrate the best of all cultures into my future perspectives. With an open mind, you can definitively bring back positive impressions from any trip.


What has changed in your job due to COVID?

Due to the pandemic, traveling was of course no longer possible as it used to be. I was surprised by how many things could be discussed productively via online meetings. Virtual machine acceptance tests (FAT) at our factory also had to be implemented at short notice and was put into practice very quickly. However, it also became clear that personal contact with our customers cannot be replaced one-to-one. It will continue to be absolutely necessary to sit together at the same table and cultivate personal contacts and relationships. 


Which moments make your job special?

Definitively the personal contacts all over the world. Often you can see that from a distance we have a completely wrong picture of the conditions and the people on the ground. The friendliness and hospitality impress me again and again, no matter in which part of the world.


What projects are you currently in charge of and what projects does the future hold in store for you?
I am currently supervising various machine projects with our customers, but also internal projects to further develop the company. Both have their own special charm and unique challenges.


Which project has been the most challenging for you so far?

Every project has brings challenges. That is exactly what is interesting about my job. Sometimes it’s the scheduling, sometimes the commercial elements and then again the cultural or technical challenges that you have to adapt to individually. It is all the nicer when, at the end of the project, you and the customer can be happy to have made both Hassia and IMA DAIRY & FOOD, as well as the customer’s company, a bit more sustainable and successful. 


How many people does your team consist of and what are the working areas of your employees?

My team currently consists of 8 employees. They all work every day to ensure that our customer projects are managed by the company in a timely manner. We are the point of contact for customers as well as internally for any questions relating to our projects. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty always have top priority. I am particularly proud of the independent way of working and the “thinking outside the box mentality” of my entire team. 


What do you particularly appreciate about the company Hassia – the IMA DAIRY & FOOD Group?

Both the IMA DAIRY & FOOD Group and Hassia are future-oriented companies with flat hierarchies. Here, every employee has the opportunity to contribute personally and further develop the company. 


Which goals have you personally set for your professional future?

To make the transformation towards new sustainable packaging materials a success for IMA DAIRY & FOOD as well as for Hassia. This will hold exciting and challenging projects in store for us in the future, which we are already looking forward to.

Frank Karg
Director Planning / Control
Hassia Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH