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Learning the secrets of coffee


Let improve your knowledge and gain expertise in green coffee analysis, roasting and grinding techniques, tasting practices, as well as sensorial analysis for espresso or cupping. Our Academy offers you a chance to agree on a personalised training scheme which you can define with our staff, focusing on the aspects that are of greatest value to you.


Pilot plant and auditorium

Academy Rooms

Theory and practice 

High qualified staff

Analysis and tests

Academy Days

Meet the coffee community

A unique place to share knowledge
featuring a pilot plant and an auditorium


Come discover the IMA Coffee Academy and take advantage of the core of the IMA Coffee Lab, the pilot plant: a fully operational scaled-down factory, from intake to cleaning and storagingroasting, grinding and degassing, plus several packaging solutions.

The entire process is accomplished in an area covering 3000 sqm and it is at your disposal to experiment, analyse, innovate, expand your knowledge, cultivate your passion, redefine targets and achieve objectives.



Learn the secrets of coffee
through theory and practical sessions


Start this unique experiential journey through the roasting process to discover and manage the key drivers of the coffee beans transformation, from the coffee varietals to how the roastingblendinggrinding and degassing processes influence the aroma and taste of the cup. Come and test together with our trainers and high specialized staff,  green, roasted and ground coffee for key parameters such as humidity, colour, particle size distribution, CO2 content and sensorial analysis, to train and acquire specific skills related to coffee processing and packaging, perform quality analysis and in-cup tasting.



Partnering with us for an extraordinary and sustainable coffee experience


From the plantation up the roasting factory operations, with a closer look at the sustainability of each step of the supply chain. The goal of IMA Coffee Academy is to improve knowledge of the raw materials and the supply chain, from the growing countries all the way to the roasting plants – in order to identify the virtuous dynamics that help obtain a quality drink by eliminating waste and any defects that might become apparent when coffee is in the roasting phase and especially in the cup; another goal is to make product processing more efficient by using low energy impact technologies.




The new format of events dedicated to training and research on coffee that will host coffee experts, roasters and international producers. A unique opportunity to bring the coffee supply chain together in the spaces of the IMA Coffee Lab, to share projects and experiences on coffee-related issues.

We believe training and research dedicated to coffee are important drivers of technological innovation and growth in product quality. We are thrilled to support the coffee supply chain by offering all our expertise as producers of roasting technologies and from now on also providing a meeting point, a real physical hub, which now takes the name of IMA Coffee Lab, where coffee is at the center of the scene in all its forms and where it is possible to always experiment with new formulas in order to increase knowledge about the product and enhance its transformation. 

We decided to create the Academy Days format with the aim to connect all the sectors of the supply chain in a virtuous circuit. Starting from this concept, it is a great pleasure to host in the spaces of the Coffee Lab valuable initiatives to reward quality coffee.

Courses and events

Discover the upcoming courses and events and don't miss the chance to enjoy the IMA Coffee Lab community!

Roasting Academy

Get a taste of our expertise on coffee roasting and processing: choose the Roasting Camp of your interest and contact us to get more information.




It offers all the theoretical and practical knowledge to lay the foundations to become a professional roastmaster, with everything you need to know to gain expertise about green coffee, roasting and sensory skills.




It offers all the theoretical and practical knowledge to become professional roastmaster, with a deeper understanding of the green coffee varietals, roasting process and sensory skills to clearly define the final product target and discover how to achieve the ideal result.



Previous Events

#frombeantocapsule #academyday

From Bean to Caspule | AfterHOST Academy Day

A unique experiential journey through the coffee processing and packaging, to discover and manage the key drivers of coffee bean transformation, from the coffee varieties to how each roasting profile affects the aroma and taste of the coffee extracted from the capsule.

today 17-18 October 2023
place IMA Coffee LAB
#greencoffee #academyday

Green Coffee Academy

An experiential journey that will start off in the plantations of Honduras and end in the research facilities of IMA Coffee Lab. The Green Coffee Academy’s main theme is the green coffee supply chain – from the plantation all the way to cleaning and roasting plants.

today 29-30 March 2023
place IMA Coffee LAB
#grinding #academyday

Coffee Grinding Research Week | Academy Day

The Academy Day was held during the first Coffee Grinding Research week, a five-day coffee tasting that was held from 17 to 21 October 2022 and which featured a panel of coffee experts from Italy and Switzerland, engaged in tasting more than 200 espresso coffees, ground with different cutting technologies and dispensed with different espresso extraction technologies. 

today 17-21 October 2022
place IMA Coffee LAB