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How to reach us • Production Plants

IMA manufactures equipment in 38 production plants, and has a worldwide after sales assistance and a sales network covering about 80 countries.

IMA Tea & Herbs Division
Via Emilia, 428-442
40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO) Italy
Tel. +39 051 6514111
Fax +39 051 6514080

Revisioni Industriali S.r.l.

Via Nobel, 34
40064 Ozzano Emilia(BO) Italy
Tel. +39 051 796782
Fax +39 051 6511770

Solís 8250 PO Box 556
B7608FLR Mar del Plata, Argentina
Tel. (+54 223) 482-1817/5151
Fax (+54 223) 481-0234

Erca S.A.
3, Avenue du Pacifique . Les Ulis . B.P. 54
91942 Courtaboeuf Cedex / France
Tel. +33 169 82 80 00
Fax +33 169 07 82 38

IMA Dairy & Food Fillshape
Via Ugo Ferrandi, 43126 – Parma, Italy
Tel. +39 0521 1756004

IMA BFB Division
Via Romagnoli, 2
40010 Bentivoglio (Bologna) Italy
Tel. +39 051 6642111
Fax +39 051 6642255