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Scalability - Devices and machines


XIMA is ruled by the principle of scalability, which plays in two key dimensions.

Scale-to-multiple-devices. For technical reasons, IMA Active’s user interfaces are developed on different software platforms, characterized by a wide range of graphical resolutions and multimedia capabilities. Starting from small touch screen monitors to 19-inch monitors, including a pilot project on mobile devices. 


XIMA is designed in order to be suitable for all these solutions, without compromising the core of the project.

Scale-to-multiple-machine. The choice for controls which are replicable independently from the specific technical solutions has made XIMA easy to be applied on all IMA Active machines. Such a transversal approach ensures that XIMA is easily replicable and adaptable to customers’ requests.

The principle of scalability on which the project is based puts both IMA Active and the customers in a win-win situation.



The exclusive tech videos shot during Achema 2024 are now available on our dedicated website