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XIMA is governed by the principle of linear navigation. 

Each action of the operator on the HMI corresponds to one and only one control signal. The rule which orients XIMA navigation is therefore a one to one correspondence.

This result is gained through the choice of a fixed architecture, composed of two main toolbars and two additional ones appearing on request. 

This means that XIMA is configured as a closed system, which orients the user’s actions according to a strictly hierarchical logic. Ultimately, the user cannot help but follow the guided path that XIMA draws for him.

In other words, the principle of linear navigation can be summarized as “few things, well done”. The restrictions that XIMA imposes to its users turn into a guarantee of reliability. 

The consequence of a similar architecture is clear: with three clicks at most, the user is able to reach all the pages of the HMI. No other nested menu, a part from the ones that are within a three clicks range.



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