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Petroncini R&D Lab Roasters

TMR 25 is the exactly scale down of Industrial TMR models. It has been created for R&D purposes and lab activities.

TMR 25 is the exactly scale down of Industrial TMR models. It has been created for R&D purposes and lab activities.

LAB roaster with unlimited performances

TMR 25 model has been specially designed to achieve the desired roasting profile in terms of time, colour and flavour thanks to an innovative system that allows to previously draw the roasting curves. Counting on the same technical features of the industrial Modular Roasters, it can roast up to 25 kg/cycle, thus minimizing the waste of energy and good quality coffees. The roasting profiles achieved can be transferred on Industrial roaster without any parameters modifications, having the same results in terms of product properties. It is an essential tool, which allows the customers to analyze and improve the quality of their product and its performance, carry out specific test before starting industrial production.

One unit of TMR 25 is also at disposal for test and trial at the Petroncini Coffee Competence Centre, where is also possible make product analysis and cup tasting.



Low energy consumption and reduced NOX, VOC and CO2 emissions by using a unique heat generator that acts both as burner and thermal afterburner.

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Petroncini R&D Lab Roasters Highlights

TMR is a high flexible machine that allows to reach the favorite aroma and product characteristics
Roasting profile created can be easily transferred on Industrial size without any modifications
The previously drawing of the roasting curves allows the final product to have the exact color, moisture and taste desired
TMR 25 allows to minimize the waste of green coffee, charging max. 25 kg per batch
  • Technical Data

Length (mm)


Width (mm)


Hight (mm)


Batch Size (kg)


Roasting Time (min)*


* Roasting Time depends on the type of roasting desired.

* Data subject to possible modifications and not necessarily definitive.


Petroncini R&D Lab Roasters Gallery


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