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Increased voting right

GIMA TT S.p.A.’s Articles of Association regulates, inter alia, the so-called increased voting right, which was implemented by art. 20 of Law Decree no. 91 of 2014, converted with amendments into Law no. 116 of 2014 and governed by article 127-quinquies of the Italian Consolidated Financial Act and by the detailed set of implementing rules issued by Consob by means of deliberation no. 19084 of 19 December 2014.

The increased voting right derogates from the “one share-one vote” principle, granting long-standing shareholders with up to two votes for each owned share thus encouraging medium to long-term investments and promoting the stability of shareholdings of listed companies.

Shareholders willing to obtain the registration in the special register of all, or part of, the owned shares, shall submit such request in writing to the Company, utilizing the request form to be sent by the depositary intermediary through certified e-mail to GIMA TT to the following e-mail addresses: and

Increased voting rights shall be enjoyed by shares upon uninterrupted registration in the special register for at least 24 months and upon prior notice from the depositary intermediary.