IMA is loading
Incorporated in 2012, GIMA TT S.p.A. is among the leaders in designing, manufacturing and assembling automatic machines with high-technology standards for customers in the tobacco industry.

Company Structure

Incorporated in 2012, GIMA TT S.p.A. was listed on the Milan Stock Exchange STAR segment in 2017.


As at 2 October 2017 share capital stands at Euro 440,000.00 divided into 88,000,000 ordinary shares with no par value.

The shareholders of GIMA TT S.p.A. representing over 5% of the subscribed capital stock made up of shares having voting rights are the following:

Declarer Shareholder Number of shares held % of stock capital
SO.FI.M.A. Società Finanziaria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A. I.M.A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A  52.888.365 60,100%


Company Officers

Board of Directors

GIMA TT’s Board of Directors is currently composed of seven members, who will hold the office until the date of the shareholders’ general meeting for the approval of the balance sheet as at 31 December 2019, and is composed as follows.

Sergio Marzo Chairman Download CV
Fiorenzo Draghetti Chief Executive Officer Download CV
Stefano Cavallari Executive Director Download CV
Paola Alessandra Paris Independent Director Download CV
Francesco Mezzadri Majani Independent Director Download CV
Alessandra Stabilini Independent Director Download CV
Luca Maurizio Duranti Independent Director Download CV


Board of Statutory Auditors

The current Board of Statutory Auditors will hold the office until the date of the shareholders’ general meeting for the approval of the balance sheet as at 31 December 2020 and is composed as follows.

Standing Auditors

Alvise Deganello Chairman – Registered Auditor
Amedeo Cazzola Registered Auditor Download CV
Roberta De Simone Registered Auditor Download CV

Alternate Auditors

Gigliola Di Chiara Registered Auditor Download CV
Luisa Elisabetta Cevasco Registered Auditor

Control and Risk and Transactions with Related Parties Committee

Luca Maurizio Duranti Chairman – Independent Director
Francesco Mezzadri Majani Independent Director
Alessandra Stabilini Independent Director


Head of Internal Audit

Elvine Laptes-Mindreanu

Manager Responsible for Preparing Financial Reports

Lorenzo Giorgi Download CV

Independent Auditors

EY S.p.A.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Paola Alessandra Paris Chairman – Independent Director
Luca Maurizio Duranti Independent Director
Alessandra Stabilini Independent Director


Oversight Committee

Gerardo Diamanti Chairman – Registered Auditor Download CV
Simone Zambelli Lawyer Download CV
Elvine Laptes-Mindreanu Engineer Download CV


Organization Model

The organization, management and control model, in compliance to Legislative Decree 231 of 8 June 2001, consists of a general part and several special parts; essentially, the general part explains GIMA TT’s corporate governance structure, the way that the Supervisory Board is established and functions, along with an explanation of the system of sanctions.

Corporate Governance

The Corporate Governance system adopted by GIMA TT S.p.A. complies with the principles set out under the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies

Code for Internal Dealing

The GIMA TT S.p.A. Internal Dealing Code – in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 and the Consob Issuer Regulations – governs the mandatory reporting of transactions of shares issued by IMA by Relevant Persons or their Close Associates.

IR Documents

Related-Parties Transactions Procedure
Internal Dealing
Articles of Association
Meetings Regulations

IR Updates and Information

Investor Relations Events

eMarket SDIR

For the services of transmission and storage of Regulated Information, GIMA TT S.p.A. chosed to adopt respectively the systems “eMarket SDIR” and “eMarket STORAGE” available at managed by Spafid Connect S.p.A., located in Foro Buonaparte 10, Milan, Italy.

Press releases

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