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Petroncini Anniversary 1919 • 2019

Petroncini, the IMA Coffee Hub company specialised in coffee roasting and processing plants, celebrates the 100th anniversary in the world of coffee.

Post published on 24/07/2019

Petroncini Anniversary 1919 • 2019

Founded in Bologna in 1919 by Ruggero Petroncini, an artisan with a flair for creativity, the company has grown extensively over the century into a worldwide renowned leading supplier in the coffee processing industry thanks to a talented group of people with a feeling for innovation.

Petroncini celebrates its 100th Anniversary with a special logo.

The 100 icon comprises the two meaningful symbols which are able to recount the history of the brand. The first, a cogwheel, symbolises gears and mechanical applications. This symbol, in its various forms, has been the distinctive element of the Petroncini logo from 1919 to 1991. The four-leaf clover has represented the company since its acquisition by the Giberti family, which was followed by the move to Sant’Agostino, Ferrara. This symbol has denoted the company around the world between 1991 and 2017 and nowadays is the logo most closely associated with the company, before joining the broad cluster of companies composing the IMA Coffee Hub.

Commitment and continuous research have worked as essential tools in reaching this important milestone: 100  years creating solutions for the coffee industry. I want to thank all partners, employees and not least the customers who have contributed to this important achievement. They have certainly been the key drivers behind our success. And now, our desire to outperform ourselves is as strong as ever. As a result, the IMA Coffee Hub has been created: the one-stop answer for roasters all over the world. We have been around for 100 years as Petroncini, we will be there for the next 100 as part of the IMA Coffee Hub.”

says CEO Petroncini Claudio Giberti during the recent celebrations held in Bologna on May 15.

Petroncini are now launching an initiative to further celebrate this important milestone:

Coffee Maestro’s Stories is a series of webinars focused on coffee and its treatments, from the green selection and cleaning, up to espresso or brasiliana coffee tasting. The aim is not only to offer an overview of coffee processing as a whole, but also to share many little secrets, resulting from 100 years of experience in the coffee industry. 

Discover more about Coffee Maestro’s Stories»
